Sixty one🌸

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Gombe state.


Haneesa let out a loud wail before stomping her loudly on the ground. She needed all the motivation she could get cause right now she felt like crying. Aslam was bawling his little eyes out throwing his little legs in the air. He was laying on the bed in his green bodysuit while Aslaha was in her red bodysuit.

Haneesa regretted turning Nabiila's offer down, when they arrived home. The twins were already throwing a tantrum and crying, maybe it had to do with the weather since it was extremely hot or because they are not use with leaving their home back in Abuja but either ways they were not happy. Nabiila offered to follow Haneesa to her side and help her dress the twins but Haneesa declined saying she should join the rest she will come soon and greet everyone. She felt guilty after helping her for the past few months she didn't want to burden her anymore. They are here babies so she has to learn to take care of them alone seeing Nabiila can't live with them forever.

"Assalam Alaikum, what's all the commotion about" Ahmaad walked inside, immediately they arrived he took a shower and he is now freshly dressed in his tees and black T-shirt.

"Wa'alaikum Salaam" she replied ignoring his question.

What the hell did he think it was about? She hissed mentally.

"Babe" he called wrapping his hand around her waist and turning her so she could face him. "Go and take a shower in my room, I will take care of this two" he kissed her forehead gently

"You want to drown our kids baa.." She laughed "Help me with Aslaha will you?"

"Well i was just trying to be the nice, caring husband didn't expect me to bathe both of them did you?" He laughed holding Aslaha.

"God will ask you Ahmaaduuu" she shot back removing Aslam's clothes and diaper and he did the same with his twin.

"Baby Allah zai tambaye kowa ma. (Allah will ask everyone else)" he winked as the walked into the bathroom and bathe the twins in their tub.

They dressed Aslaha in a white over roll with bunny ears, brushed her silky hair and put the hood over her head, Aslam wore a matching one but his own is a shade of black and dark blue. They looked so adorable!

"Don't forget their bibs! I can't have them drooling over their clothes" Haneesa reminded Ahmaad who grabbed their matching white bibs. They walked to the living room where Ahmaad volunteered to watch over them while Haneesa takes her bath.

"MashaAllah they look so adorable! I gotta take a pic and send it to Amtullah. Wait here.." Haneesa panic running to look for her phone. She found it buried inside her bag so she quickly fished it out and ran back to the living room, Ahmaad was slumped on the floor changing through the channels as he looked for something to watch. She quickly snapped their pictures and sent them to Amtullah, some to Adda and then to Zubaina. She knows how obsessed Zubaina is with the twins and the fact that she won't be around for Rakiya's wedding is heartbreaking.

She captured her hubby and twins on her Snapchat account with the caption, 'My whole world' some people were already commenting with MaashaAllah, Tabarakallah and she made a mental note to reply them later.

After warning Ahmaad several time to keep an eye on the babies, she finally walked to her room to take her bathe. She dressed up in her red and black A-shape gown and sprayed various perfumes on her body, they were going to Ummah's side and it was filled with Ummah's relatives, Ahmaad's relatives and guests who came from far and near. She tied her headscarf and grabbed her veil which she wrapped around her shoulder carelessly. She knows everyone is anticipating her arrival and she wonders how many people Ummah has brainwashed already but she is adamant on going through it.

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