Forty one🌸 bonus chapter.

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To everyone who is still tagging along💘

R E C A P;

That's what she needed. Silence. Utmost silence.

She lays on the bed her eyes facing the white ceiling of her room, closing her eyes she let her hand roam around her abdomen. Where her baby lives.

She doesn't want her child to grow up in such a life, she wants her child to grow up the way she grew up. In a comfortable and happy family, when he/she will lack nothing, where he/she will have freedom but is that really possible in a family like Ahmaad's?

Will Umma even accept her child?

What of Ahmaad is he in any condition to take care of her baby and herself?

She jerked off from bed beads of sweat rolling down her forehead, even though the AC was on full blasting mode, she is still sweating whilst her heart is beating willy against her chest.

She has to do something and soon.

So she contacted the only person that will help her even though she has lots of apologizing to do she will still do it in other to receive the best and honest advice.

"Best friend I'm sorry" she cried into the phone, her throat was burning but it was worth it. suits one right for not talking for almost four weeks now.

"Silly girl, I knew you will come around"

"Amatullah what should I do? Please help me."

"I'll be over soon" and with that she end the call.

* * *

Is this what she really wants?!

Is she willing to go to that extent for her baby?

Can she give up her love life for her own flesh?! Can she really be that selfish and unfaithful to Ahmad!?

She won't say this is the best advice Amtullah has given her but she wishes nothing but the best for her. Maybe that is what she really needs, a time away from Ahmaad and his family.. A time away from everything.

She still haven't finished grieving over her father's death, she is still trying to accept the fact that her mother in law hates her to that extent she would risk her son's life, she needs time. She is still young for all of this and she will never wish this for anyone.. Especially her own child.

"Maami will go with you then!" Adda conclude packing her sister's clothes and neatly arranging them in her luggage. It took a lot of hard work and talking from Hamid to her before she finally gave her consent to Haneesa's wish.

"No. Adda please, I want to go alone" she plead and her sister stop to give her the eagle eye.

"Your out of your mind to think I would let you travel to the states alone and stay there for as long as you give birth"

"Adda you will join me in some months. Please try to understand things from my own perspective"

"No! You should try to understand things from my own perspective." She said sternly and Haneesa take a deep breath blinking the tears away.

Why is her sister making it more hard on her!?

"Please! I beg you in the name of Allah, let me go. I feel suffocated here! I promise to be safe. I just need time.. Alone" she said her voice coming out hoarsely



"Fine, if that's what you really want then I guess I have to let you do it" She said feeling defeated and a wide grin appeared on Haneesa's face, no matter how bad she wants to be with Ahmaad she doesn't want to have any encounter with his mother which might put her and her baby in danger.

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