Fifty two🌸

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Thank you for the motivation.

I love you by Allah.


Opening her eyes slowly, she break into fits of cries shaking and clutching onto her mother tightly. "Maami.."

"My baby" she replied kissing her on her forehead and wiping away her beads of sweat. One look at her you will know she is in so much pain, this pregnancy is getting the best of her.

"Don't cry Haneesa, oh Allah" she sighed trying her best not to break down. It was hurting her to see her daughter in agonizing pain.

"Maami it hurts, everything hurts. Ya Salaam!" She wept wailing. Adda was quick to be by her side pushing her hair that was cascading her eye sight.

"Where does it hurt?"

"Under my abdomen, Adda I can't take it. Tell them to remove the baby please.."

"Haneesa please calm down, breathe in and out. And stop crying please, everything will be fine InshaAllah" she replied massaging her thighs. After a while, the wailing stopped but she was breathing heavily holding on her mother's hand with force.

"This baby is giving my daughter a hard time, Hayrah what did the doctor say?" Maami said in a cracked voice looking at her blotted Haneesa who was in so much pain.

"I think she should just induce her, the baby can stay in the incubator. The pain she is going through is so much.." Adda Hayri concluded standing up.

"I'll get the doctor" she inform exiting the room.

The doctor came rushing in the room with two nurses behind her, seeing the condition Haneesa was in, she quickly ordered the nurse to rush her to the labour room where she would be induced.

Maami was quick to follow the doctor to the labour room waiting area, after a short while Adda Hayrah arrived informing the doctor that she has signed the papers.

"She will be okay by God's will, just pray for her" the doctor advice before closing the door shut on their faces.

They could hear Haneesa's yells from behind the door which crushed their hearts.


Munayarh drives the car in full speed not caring that she was about to hit a passerby or that the police was following her yelling for her to stop.

Her vision was blurring her with tears but she managed to wipe them and drive to the hospital. She just got a call from Inbihaj crying and summoning her to the hospital saying something about her baby admitted.

She was getting a bad feeling, ever since she left her daughter with Ahmaad promising to return for her later in the day she has been getting a bad feeling, as if something was about to go wrong and now everything has been confirmed to her.

Parking recklessly in the parking lot, she got off and walk inside the hospital where she was directed to the emergency ward. There she met Ahmaad pacing up and down, Zubaina was crying heavily holding on to Inbihaj who was backing Asma and Abba was on a phone call.

"What happened to Na'eema? What happened to my little baby?!" She cried walking to Ahmaad who gave her an ashamed look.

"Assalam Alaikum Munayarh, I didn't see you walk in" he replied avoiding her gaze.

"Walaikum Salaam please don't avoid my question, what happened to my baby Ahmaad!?"

"I am sorry Munayarh, it is all my fault"he said heartbroken.

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