Thirty three🌸

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Barka the sallah my peeps💫💫 Allah ya maimaita mana🙏 even though your Ammah is not feeling this sallah ooo (don't worry I've done my lale and tailor didn't disappoint me😂😂) it's first sallah without grandma oo😥 (RIJF) sha it's a joyful day no time to gloom💃💃
I guess this will be the perfect opportunity to tell you that i am waiting for my barka da Sallah oo😒 better send in those cars, jewelries, makeup kit, monenyyyyy, money again😂 chocolates, Milo, house keys, ticket to Paris😂😂 I am serious ooo. If not..I won't update again😌 slay mamas💕💕 much love from me to you💝

Biko hope tailor didn't disappoint you😭💔 we thank God..

Greet mama, baba, sister, brother, uncle, aunty, grandma, grandpa, dog, rabbit, goat...😂😂😂 don't mind me lemme go and enjoy my sallah💃💃

Toh bismillah....

Haneesa's POV.

Nigeria, Abuja💫

"Hospital first or were not going anymore"

"But Ahmaad mana" I whine

"Checkup first" he said adamant and I hiss watching out the window.

"What did I say about hissing at me?"

"I'm sorry" I mumbled not sparing him a glance. I watch as he drive to Nisa hospital while we are suppose to be on our way home..ughhh. We shortly arrived and we made registration for antenatal and stuffs pregnant women do..I have to admit it's overwhelming how I will have my own baby. Wow. We did a quick scan and the doctor showed us our little bundle of joy, the baby is so small Ma Shaa Allah. I didn't know when a tear escaped my right emotional, I know but he/she is so cute. Ahmaad held my hand tightly as we watch the computer adoringly. The doctor later wipe the substance off my stomach and gave us some drugs saying both me and the baby are doing perfectly fine..Alhamdulilah! We are to come for our next appointment in three weeks time.

"Now we can go home" I grin happily yet my stomach made a weird sound.

"What's wrong? Are you hungry? Again" Ahmaad asked turning the ignition, I shook my head negatively trying to calm my now heavy breathing.

"What is it?" He asked worriedly.

"I am getting bad vibes. Ahmaad something sounds wrong, something bad will happen"

"Stop saying that babe, pray. Recite with me, innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. Subhannalaahi wabihamdihi! Astaghfirulah wa'atuboo Ilaik" I did as told and I felt much more better.

"Thank you" I said leaning in and kissing his cheek.

"Anytime. Now don't let me park the car right here cause of how tempting your lips look" he winked making me blush.

"Drive mister"

"Yes ma'am!"


Funny how when immediately I got married my family members didn't feel to update me on what's going on at home, they didn't feel the need to tell me anything as if me getting married means I've left the family. I have been staying my whole life with them then why will they hide things from me? It hurts wallahi, it's as if they discarded me and didn't feel the need to inform me of things.

Mama engulfed me in a big bear hug, she looked thinner and pale, if possible more worn out and older than her age. I felt her tears on my skin, she is crying. She is badly hurt. Ya Salaam!

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