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Nigeria, Abuja.

            Alhamdulilah!! All the wedding events that was to take place in Abuja was completed and successful in pure happiness and joy. From the kamu, where the bride was elegantly dressed in a navy blue sewn beautifully peplone blouse and skirt with matching head gear to the walimah, sakun lale, luncheon, dinner and whatnot. The events were covered up by the bride's family with George Okoro capturing the moment to blush caking the bride's face and friends dancing shaku shaku and the twin paku paku as said by a group of guests dancing and breaking their legs on the dance floor.

None of Ahmaad's relative showed up except aunty Husna and her friends whom she invited. Everyone found that weird but didn't want to say anything that will make Haneesa worked up.. If she is happy then they are also happy.

"Ya Mukky wait" Haneesa yelled stopping her brother who she had managed to catch up with before he left the house. It was now his usual routine to leave house before six in other to avoid Haneesa, he was still against the wedding. her soft glowing skin touched his hand and that was all thanks to a Somalian beautician who flew some days ago for her gyaran Jiki. Daddy wanted the best for his princess

"Haba ya Mukky don't you think avoiding me is enough? I'll be leaving tomorrow fah won't you at least say goodbye?" She pouted and he roll his eyes at her poking her forehead with his finger.

"Silly idiot! I will never let you go without goodbye.." 

"Eheeeennn? So if I haven't stopped you when were you planning on saying goodbye? Kai ma ka san I'll be very busy"

"I was planning on coming to visit you two weeks after you marriage then say goodbye" he shrugged and she hit him making him laugh

"Your beating me? I'll tell Maami" he threatened and she could care less. She is a bride so Maami wouldn't do anything to her, the least she would say is; 'you both should please stop and Haneesa you are a woman behave like one' yes one wouldn't believe she is the Maami he knows, the disciplinarian you know. She has changed drastically when reality dawned on her that her little baby was leaving home.

"But seriously my sweet sister I'll miss you and if Ahmaad isn't treating you well or if he raises his voice on you or hand which he shouldn't dare just call me okay love. I'll make sure I leave him handless and castrate him very well" he threatened making her gasp and the water woks began making her jump on him.

      "keh don't start now wallahi" he joke blinking away his tears.. The last thing he wants on earth is for Haneesa to catch him shedding a tear over her, she would tease him till the very end of his life.

"Mukhtar I will miss you" she said in between her cries and he rub her back in a comforting manner not caring about the fact she just called him without 'ya'

"I will miss you too baby love" he teased and she hit his chest against her tears in annoyance. the last time she was called baby love, a pet name, was when she had graduated from secondary school and Maami said 'iyeee my baby love is now feeling like one cele cause she has finished secondary school, hmm welcome to the real world'

"Leave me alone and please when I'm gone stay away from breaking girls heart, you egoistic fuck boy"

"No promises sha talk to your best friend to stop being sassy to me it's starting to get on my last nerve"

"That is you guys thing to solve thank God I am going far away from you guys so I don't have to deal with your bullshit" she lied sashaying her hair which has been washed with lale on the sakun lale day and it was darker and silkier.

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