Fifty three🌸

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I'm tired of all this heartbreak please we need a little touch of happiness right😁?

Ummah splashed some water on her face. She couldn't believe the news that reached to her. She killed a soul, an innocent soul. A baby for that matter! SubhanaAllah she is a murderer. She killed her grand daughter.

Holding the sink for support, she looked at the monster she has become. How will she be able to look at her children now? And her Ahmaad?! Ya Rabb!

She blamed no one for what she has become unless Haneesa.

She changed her. She was not like that before.

Hearing noises, she clean herself with the hand towel and slowly exit the bathroom. The house was suddenly filled with people, mostly Munayarh's relatives, she watch as the all sit in the living room crying for the loss of a pious, innocent girl.

"You!" Munayarh yelled trudging to where Ummah was.

"You killed my baby. How dare you!? Wallahi you must pay for this you heartless human being!" She yelled with tears streaming down her face

"Ya Allah! Munayarhtu what has gotten into you!? Do you know who you are talking to?" Her aunty Maryama reprimand cleaning her tears with the edge of her hijab.

"Yes! I am very aware of everything aunty Maryama, don't worry I haven't lost my mind" she said glaring at Ummah who was avoiding her gaze.

"If it isn't Bilkisu, the mother who loves her child more than anything in the world, the murderer of my child.." She spat.

"Mind your words" Ummah snapped.

"No I won't, what will you do huhn? Will you also kill me just like you killed my daughter!?"

"Munayrah stop it now!" Aunty Maryama said dragging her away.

"I know you are heartbroken but remember every soul shall taste death"

"I know but my baby.. She is so young" she cried closing her face with her palms.

"Don't say that please, that's how Allah willed now pray for her enough of the tears." she hugged her;

"Assalam Alaikum" they heard Ahmaad's broken voice as he step inside the house. They all replied his salaam and when he saw Munayarh in tears his heart shattered once again.

They had just concluded the janaeeza and it literally broke him into two when he bathed his little blessing. He will never forget how she was placed in her grave.. It will haunt him forever.

"Munayarh follow me!" He said and she sniffed nodding her head.

"Ahmaadu.." His mother move closer to talk to him but he walk right passed her.

"Msst" Munayarh hissed at her while pushing her out of the way also.

She walked up the stairs and into the room Ahmaad entered; "You wanted to say something?" She asked when he sat by his bed hands wrapped around his head.

"Marry me!"

She was taken aback by his command that he had to repeat himself again.

"No Ahmaad, stop! Do not pity me. Ya Rabb!" She burst into tears again.

"Do not cry Munayarh, it adds to my list of worries wallah"

"Then do not pity me Ahmaad. It is over between us, I don't want a relationship that is based on pity. I get it we have lost Na'eema forever and ever but that is how Allah willed Ahmaad, we should just move on with our lives.."

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now