Fifty eight🌸

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"Maaami" Haneesa whined on the verge of tears but the woman ignored her.

"Ya Mukky talk to Maami mana. She can't send me away! I am her daughter and this is my father's house" she complained to Mukhtar who was engrossed by the twins, they were in their overalls laid on the bed as they look around confused by the environment.

"Maami listen to her please" he said not paying attention to what they were arguing over, he was busy taking a video of the babies while posting them on his Snapchat, he has grown tired of Maami's and Haneesa's Argument. They argue about the  little of things. Some days Haneesa would want to sleep after Fajr but her babies would be wide awake crying and asking for food, while she would also cry, stomp her feet and groan saying she wanted to sleep, Maami would scold her to feed the twins or some days she would stay up all night lecturing her on not leaving her babies with hunger. "Allah zai tambaye ki Haneesa. (God will ask you) is it because they can not talk and say they are hungry? They are your amana from Allah, please behave like the mother you are and feed them" she would always lecture which will leave Haneesa in tears and she would spend the night asking for Allah's forgiveness, rambling insults of Ahmaad (who got her pregnant and is nowhere to be found) and finally she would close her eyes when the twins will finally let her.

"Haba Ya Mukky talk to her! Stop being nonchalant"

"Okay fine" he sighed dropping his phone, "what is the fuss about this time around?"

"This girl here.."

"Maami I am the one talking" Haneesa cut her off and she sent her a glare.

"Elders first baby sis, sshhh" Mukky said giving her the 'please keep shut before she starts another endless drama' look which she understood so she kept shut and sat on the couch bag.

"Now Maami go on, I'm all ears.."

"This girl here has been avoiding her Husband pleas to go home for two weeks now! What is the meaning of her shenanigans? Is she now officially back to her father's house?" Maami rant as she stopped folding the clothes she was arranging in the box, it was Haneesa's clothes.

"Maami why will you eavesdrop on our conversation DanAllah" she whined

"Kaniyar ki. (Insult) if I didn't hear him pleading you and you telling him nonsense I wouldn't have known what was going on"

"But Maami I don't want to go back"

Maami sighed, seeing how her daughter was adamant on not going back to her matrimonial home made her worried. "Did he divorce you?" She asked softly and Haneesa's eyes bulge out in fear.

"What!? No! No!" She panicked.

"Then what is it Haneesa? You are being hard to reason" she kept mum and Maami turn to Mukhtar, "you see! see what I am saying. Mukhtar talk to your sister! It's finally you are going back to your house tomorrow unless you are ready to speak up"

"Okay Maami" she answered before moving to the bed and carrying the babies, she was gradually getting the hang of carrying both of them together. "Goodnight" she bid them before walking to her room and placing Aslam and Aslaha on the bed. She closed the door, fed them and rocked them till they fell asleep then finally she took a bath, changed into her pajamas and lay on the bed beside her babies. Aslaha was beside her cause she is the one who usually wakes up first in the middle of the night looking for food. She placed a firm kiss on them each before wrapping her hands across them.

"Goodnight habibties" she whispered.

That night instead of sleeping, she kept thinking of her future with Ahmaad and that of her babies.

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