twenty seven🌸

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Haneesa's POV

Six hours journey no be joke ashe.

I have a very weird feeling I've broken a bone no rephrase that I've broken all my bones. My body hurts. I feel like puking my guts out and yelling at Ahmaad to drive faster.

Abuja to Gombe!! Hmm! remind me next time to follow the plane, I am never going by car. Never.

Ahmaad finally parks the car in front of our side, oh sweet home. We are staying in Gombe for few days because of how tired I am then we will join the rest in Dukku.

Finally I will have my husband to myself for a while before we go back then I will have to share him with Munayarh.

I let the hot water wash my stress off, the door to the bathroom open and Ahmaad walks in ready to take a shower also.

Not happening young man. Wallahi you won't make me take a shower with you cause I know it will lead to something and that something will lead to me taking another bath before praying and I am exhausted to take the long route, so no thank you. I'm good.

I sneak out wrapping my towel around my body and I hear him whine about not fair.
Wai na ja mishe rai.

"If you ever tease me like that you will regret it babe" he yelled before locking the door and I laugh. Throwing my black sports bra and sweat pants, I pray Zuhr and Asr then lay on the bed waiting for Ahmaad to dress up so we can eat.

"Have you prayed?" He asked and I had to resist the urge to beat him up, I'm hungry Allah!

"Yes" I simply replied and he nod his head setting to pray when he started reciting suratul Baqarah I knew I was dead meat. He will literally read half of the surah and by the time he is done I might have started smelling like rotten fish cause I've been long dead.

I groaned in annoyance stomping my feet on the ground. very matured, I know.
He proceeded to recite suratul Muhammad.


Hunger with kill me today no doubt.

By now I was rolling on the ground chanting the shahadah.

Ya Allah grant me Al-Jannatul Firdausi if I die. Take care of my loaf of a fruit bread husband!! May he not kill his other wife out of hunger like he killed his first wife.

I had the urge to pray Nafillah and prolong my sujood praying for Ahmaad to be forgiven for committing murderer but I am so hungry to stand up.

"Allahu Akbar!!!" This man is not serious, he is just going for ruku'u fah!


My stomach growled.

Kai to hell with love, goals and romance.

Wai ni I must wait for my husband to eat cause it is romantic koo? Abeg fuck that!

I run to the kitchen and grab a plate before putting the basmati rice we bought in a restaurant on the plate, I made sure to keep some for my hubby before warming the plate full of rice, salad and chicken with kidney sauce.

Finally, finally I sat down on the couch eating and catching on an episode of Raven's home. It's better than watching Kardashians talking about how ooh Scott did this Kanye did that.
Don't judge me I love watching the film but their iyayi is too much and I'm in no mood to watch them.

"Ya Allah take care of my loaf of a fruit bread husband for me koo?!" Ahmaad's deep voice mimicked making me jump in fear

"I thought you were praying"

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