twenty one🌸

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Sorry for the long wait😩 hehe I was so caught up in Eid and was super duper lazy🙈😂. .

Gombe, Duku town.

"O Allah, I am Your slave and the son of Your male slave and the son of your female slave. My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. You have control over me). Your Judgment upon me is assured and Your Decree concerning me is just. I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You, to make the Qur'an the spring of my heart, and the light of my chest, the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress."

I concluded my prayers and Hajiya smile at me while I lay my head on her laps letting the waterworks begin again.

"Shh Burdah, ssh my child. achu *enough* don't strain your beautiful hazel eyes out now, it seems like you have a river of tears nikam that's why you like to use your tears anyhow.
Do you know why I call you Burdah? Cause you cry too much wallahi. Burdah She was al-Suraymiyah, and a very dutiful worshipper. She wept often so she finally lost her eye sight. When every thing was quiet and motionless, she used to call out in a melancholy voice, O! Habib!"

My Burdah with every hardship comes ease, this is just a test from Allah, your destiny and In Shaa Allah you will pass it with flying colours. Have you ever wondered how your husband's grandfather died? Did you ever wonder if my life was all rainbows and cookies? If you did and didn't, it doesn't matter I will still tell you how this old Naana Zainab survived life. How she now lives with loneliness yet finds life amusing, this old Hajiya wasn't really born with a silver spoon in her mouth rather she was born from a woman who sold fura da nono by the street.

Hajiya Aishatu, was a Fulani woman who was brought up in a respected family. her family wasn't poor neither were they rich, they survived at least on fura da nono *a family business* and running errands for a merchant back then. While selling her fura by the entering of their small town which was a long distance from her home but was a very crowdy place and a place one gets money cause every person goes there in the morning, afternoon and night to buy food and nourish his body. A man submissively never fails to show up to buy her fura cause according to him it was the best he has ever had since he was born. He grew fond of Hajiya Aishatu and she fondly calls 'number one' cause he was always the first to show up to buy her fura, sometimes he arrived before her.

One faithful day when Hajiya Aishatu was relaxing in her room cause the day was hectic with customers buzzing in and relishing their body with her tasty fura, her father sent for her saying she has a visitor. She wondered who the visitor was but nevertheless wore her hijab and went to the main living room where number one was waiting for her dressed in a white Kaftan and matching cap. She was shocked to see him but didn't show, she offered him the left over fura and sat across him on the mat.

"You must be wondering why I am here Aishatu. Well I should better get to the point before your brain gets tired of cracking itself. I love you Aishatu for the sake of Allah, at first I thought it was a mere admiration but with time I realized I have fallen so hard for you"

He said which made her speechless. She was just seventeen for Allah's sake and here he was talking to her about love. She kept mute for a really long time before telling him she will think about it and that night she turned and shifted from one side of the bed to another, when she got tired of her endless routine she decided it would be better if she prayed and so she did.

*** ***

It's been months with Aishatu and Manga seeing each other and slowly she has been developing a soft place for him in her heart. when she turned eighteen, they got married with their parents blessings and they moved to a small town four miles away from her parents house.

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