Chapter four🌸

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Haneesa sit opposite Ahmaad fidgeting with her fingers nervously. After much pleading from Ahmaad she has finally agreed to let him see her. . . It's been two months of chatting submissively and they finally met since the day he came home for dinner with Ya Hamid and Mubarak

"Mind I know what's bothering little Anee?" Ahmaad said bringing her out of her thoughts. She frowns sipping her iced Chapman before speaking -

"I'm not little" she pout

"And Ahmaad is a dwarf!" He laugh sarcastically and she roll her eyes tapping her fingers annoyed on the table.

"Okay I'm sorry princess Anee"

"Now who said I'm a princess?" She smirked

"Hmm let see.. You talk, walk and act like a princess and you are prevailed to be sitting with the Fulani prince" he said making her choke on her drink

"Your a prince?"

"Just joking" he laughed and she laughed along.

"Tell me about your family" she said curiously and he gulped his soda carefully debating on his words. His family.. That's something he is not fond of talking about.

"My family is the crazy type"

"How crazy?" She asked cocking her eyebrows in confusion. She had expected him to talk about his siblings, mother and father yet all he had it to say is they are the crazy type.

"Very crazy, now you tell me about your family" he changed the topic and Haneesa roll her eyes at him either ways not pushing him.

"You've already met Adda Hayrah, she is my only sibling then Maami and daddy" she smiled bubbly

"Only you two?" he asked shocked and she quietened down hands shaking under the table.

"I had an elder brother but he is no more" she said tears threatening to spill from her eyes from the sudden flashback.

"Oh" his mouth formed an 'o' form, he suddenly felt stupid for ruining the mood. Way to go Ahmaad.

"At least that's what I'm told" she shrugged off blinking the tears away.

"What do you mean?" He asked more confused and suddenly curious to know what happened.

"You sure your in for a major flashback?" She chuckled a dry chuckle and he smile assuring her.

"I'm sure"

***       ***

The wind was very breezy as Maami carry baby Hayrah quickly tying her on her back as she breathe in and out heavily. Baban Hayrah popularly known as Alhaji Abba Gorge was acting weirdly and what he did recently was unacceptable.

How could he?! Maami fumed with anger as she wear her light brown hijab setting for her in laws house. It's either they talk sense into their son or she leaves the house.

After the two hour journey boarding into one car to another she finally arrived at 'sabon gari' local government in Kaduna state fastening her pace as Baby Hayrah was starting to cry in tiredness and annoyance on her mother's back. Although she was one years old of age, her baby self knew something was definitely up with her mother.

"Assalam Alaikum Innar Abba" Maami called as she enter the neat well arranged compound of the Gorge mansion.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now