twenty two🌸

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Phftttt! Hello? Yes it is I the lazy author of this book😂 i know you were not expecting an update even I am surprised how this happened but when you have Legit__Boss as a friend abeg you are dead😩😩😩 baby boo I love youuu oo❤❤ before you come and say me i don't love you anymore😂 here is your update and don't expect one any time soon😅😅.... Kudos!

Gombe, Duku town.

"Ahmaad wuce daganan! (Move away from here)"

"Nope my love, I won't move away" he smirked dipping lower into the bed and I groan making him laugh.

"Haba mana it is twelve something can you at least wake up and perform ablution for Duhr prayers?" I asked hands akimbo as I wait for him to respond.

"Babyyyy lemme alone DanAllah. I want to sleep!"

"Mstw" I hissed annoyed turning to walk away when he caught me by the hand making me fall on the bed beside him.

"Don't you dare ever hiss at me" he said dangerously and I nod my head slowly. "Now be a good girl and let me sleep"

"If you like sleep till the world ends, I am going to go and find someone who will notice me and compliment my killer dressing"

"Oh this is what all this is about.. So you dressed for me and i was too busy sleeping to notice well you could have at least said that" he laughed sitting up and I roll my eyes at him. Good for nothing husband! See me here waking up very early to take a shower and dress elegantly in a fitted gown just for him and he didn't even notice. Phftt!

"Baby you look breathtaking"

"I don't want to hear anymore" I said feigning hurt and he move closer making my breath hitch.

"Haba Anee, love of my life.. Saucy pizza" he said and I gave him the WTF look. Seriously?? Saucy pizza?!

"Oya let's be serious here.. You look beautiful wallahi that I want to take you down right here" he teases making me blush "I love you a gazillion times more if that is even possible.. I love you so freaking much" and he showered me with kisses. See this man right here? This is the man I want to grow old with, the man I love and will always love no matter what. No one can separate us, not even his mother In Shaa Allah.

Someone knocks on the door making us pull away from our heated session, Ahmaad rain curses under his breath while I laugh adjusting before opening the door.

"Sorry for disturbing you but you have a visitor" a maid said and I look back to see if she is talking to Ahmaad but then she wasn't.

"Wait, me?!"

"Yes, Hajiya is summoning you in the big parlor" and with that she walks away. Visitor? Biko are you sureeee?

"Who was that?" Ahmaad asked wearing a black Jallabiyya.

"Hajiya is calling me, that i have a visitor or something" I said grabbing my veil and he roll his eyes at me.

"DanAllah let's not start this now" I plead but he was getting more serious.

"It's either you remove the gown or wear hijab"

"But if it's Munayarh or whatever she calls herself you won't talk, aikin baza!!" I huffed under my breath rummaging through the wardrobe for my Hijab.

"Haneesa.." he called and I ignore him, oh we are on Haneesa term again not Anee. Okkkkay.

"Haneesa Abba Gorge!" He growled making me jump

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