Thirty five🌸

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The night passed by in a blur, I can swear I didn't get even thirty minutes of sleep. It's like my eyes refused to close, not even for a second but I don't blame them. Ahmaad is out there somewhere, whether alive or dead I don't even know.

My intestines drop in my stomach, for the up tenth time throughout the night I dialed Ahmaad's number and it says the same thing over and over again;

'The number your trying to call is not reachable at the moment, please try again later. Thank you!'

I felt like dying, I felt like breaking my phone into pieces but if I do that how will I be able to contact him? So I control my self, laying here on the prayer mat with my phone in my hand and the counter in my other hand. I pray to Allah to protect Ahmaad! He said he will call me when he reaches Kaduna and now it's almost fajr prayers with no trace of his call.

"Baby love" Adda called entering the room. I guess she also didn't sleep cause she kept walking into the room asking if I'm fine.


"Did he call?" She asked kneeling before me, unable to speak I shook my head negative and she pulled me into a hug.

"Insha Allah he is safe, stop worrying too much. it's not good for your health" she said patting my back in an assuring manner as I cry silently. Subhannallah!

We stayed in each other's embrace for as long as I can remember before Ya Hamid entered informing us it's time to pray.


"Hello...Ahmaad..Where are you? You've got me worried by Allah please call me. Tell me your safe. Tell me your fine. I miss you!!!"

"Wakeup! Haneesa wake up!!" The voice felt so distant, so far. Subhanallah. What is going on?

I felt a light tap on my lap, ouch! In a swift moment, I was seated breathing heavily. Adda is beside me holding my hand while Maami was holding a glass of water in her hand.

"Thank God you're awake. Innalilah you've got us so damn worried" Adda hissed.

"What happened?" I gasped drinking the water Maami passed me.

"After prayers you went back to sleep only for us to hear you yelling for Ahmaad, you were saying something that wasn't audible. For Goodness sake I kept tapping you, calling your name, Maami even poured water on you but you didn't wake up" She explained and I sigh.

"I'm sorry. Did Ahmaad call?"

"No we just contacted his parents if he is in Gombe and they said no" Maami said dropping the glass of water by the bedside drawer. Ya salaam!

"Maami what should I do now? Maami we can't just sit here uselessly, at least let's make an effort to look for him"

"Calm down Haneesa" she scold "look at you? You are weak and don't forget your pregnant! Take care of yourself and pray for him Insha Allah he is safe"

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