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Some one tell me how i made it to chapter sixty already 😭😭💃💃💃

Thank you for the endless love❤❤❤


Two months later


Haneesa smiled warmly,

Her heart was going through lots of jingles.. She was elated! Over the moon.

Sitting right across her is her husband, what more could she wish for?

Alhamdulilah ala kulli haali.

"Which favors of my Lord can I deny?"

He reached out to entwine their hands, he brushed her palm in a comforting manner and flashed her a heart melting smile. "None, habibty, none"

They were silent for a while only the clinging of their fork and spoon meeting the plates spoke, they enjoyed each other's company and soothing silence. Every now and then Ahmaad would steal a glance at her which made her self conscious, at first she ignored it but when he let his fork slid from his hand and stare at her intensely she also did the same.

"What?" She asked and he shake his head sideways.

"I have something on my face right?" She grabbed a napkin and dabbed her mouth.

"It's nothing.." He finally replied glancing at his watch "shall we?" She nod her head as they leave the restaurant after settling their bills.

The past two months has been wonderful for Haneesa, after learning about the hardship Ahmaad went through when she was away she could see the his mask slowly falling from his face, she could see the fragile worn out man behind the mask. She could see his fears of waking up one day just to find her gone and there again she vowed never to leave him no matter what. She would stay for him.. For them.. and for their babies. She will stay for daddy, for the promise she made to him. she will stay cause she is strong!

He parked the car in front of Adda's house. when Ahmaad informed Haneesa that he was taking her for a dinner date to celebrate their one and a half year anniversary she insisted on dropping the twins along with Nabiila in Adda's house cause handling two babies alone is a hectic job.

"I will join you guys after Isha'i Prayer Insha Allah" he informed as they get down the car. she nod her head and exchanged pleasantries with Hamid who was about to go to the mosque also. leaving the men to themselves, she walked into the house were she met Haadiya and Bahiyya jumping to the theme song of a cartoon. they didn't even acknowledge her presence even after trying to gain their attention so she hissed and walked to Adda's room.

"The next time I come to this house I am disconnecting the Dstv" she groaned removing her veil.

"Some one had a nice date.." Biila comment winking.

"why will you stop my babies from watching? if you like when your kids are old enough you can stop them from watching" adda comment removing her hijab while Nabiila took over so she could also pray.

"kaiii Adddaaa. by the way where are they?"

"so you even forgot about them? Biila is right someone enjoyed his one and a half year anniversary" she teased and Haneesa duck her head before running into the bathroom to perform ablution. she prayed and talked with her sister who told her about Maami's trip to Makkah. she proceeded to tell her how Mukhtar brought a girl home day before yesterday to greet Maami and introduced her as his fiance.

Haneesa gasped, "Fiance!?"

"I'm telling you. Do you know Ayman Kabeer? That his friend.. Toh she is his cousin. Her name is Fateemah, she is a lawyer" Adda Hayrah continued.

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