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It was hilarious when you all freaked out in the last chapter😂😂 I'm sorry! I'm not wicked.. I promise. Enjoy this sweet, short chapter! It will have you grinning hopefully.

Three years later.



She tapped her foot on the polished tiles while watching out the window hopefully. Staring at other couples who walk hand in hand inside the building, something crunched inside her stomach so she quickly looked away when someone touched her hand.

"Miss Haneesa the meeting will start now, kindly walk with me down to the hall please" a short woman wearing a brown skirt and white shirt with black glasses on the bridge of her nose smiled at her.

"I'm sorry, you must be the new teacher, Mrs Hannah" she shook her hand formally and the woman returned the act.

"Yes, we haven't met officially though. It's finally nice to meet the twins mother" she beamed.

"It's my pleasure, please go ahead, I'll join you soon" she dismissed her nicely and she walked away.

Watching out the window, she sighed for the umpteenth time. Where is he!? Ya Rabb! If he knew he can't make it then why did he promise the kids he will come!? Why will he give her babies high hopes!? Now she has to deal with Aslaha crying for the rest of the day because her so called father didn't show up for her interactive day in school.

She stood there for five minutes and when she realized he wasn't coming, she turned around and walked to the hall the meeting will be taking place.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our seventh annual parents and teacher's conference..."

She zoned out while sitting beside Amtullah and Mubarak who gave her a sad, helpless smile.

She just can't believe his nerves!

How dare he?!

She has no idea how people cope with this parenting but it was taking a turmoil on her.

Half an hour later, the meeting was finally over. After serving them Refreshments, every parent pushed their way out through the crowd as they walked to their children's class to sign them out and collect their report cards but Haneesa walked to the restroom to get a grip of herself.

She stared at her reflection before the tears came running down, hot and slow. How can he do this to the kids? Yes he can do this to her, it doesn't even matter anymore, she is used to it but the kids!? He can't just break the hearts of their three year olds. He has no right to do that! Whatsoever his excuse is.

The door pushed open and she quickly wiped away her face when a small girl walked in with her nanny behind her. Haneesa exchanged pleasantries with the nanny and waved at the girl who shyly waved back, then she walked out with a brave smile on her face.

The sight before her knocked her off her breath.. Oh Ya Allah! He is just impossible, Ahmaad is impossible. He was holding Aslaha in his hand while Aslam was showing him a painting he probably did so she walked in with a genuine smile on her face.

"Hey my little prince" she carried Aslam pecking him.

"Ammiey!!" He yelled hugging her.

"Aslam look.. This is my Abbiey! He is my abbiey..my own" Aslaha teased wrapping her small chubby hands around her father's neck.

"And this is my ammiey, I'm not sharing her with you" he teased back and Haneesa laughed but when Ahmaad joined her laughter she stopped laughing.

So because she is laughing now he will laugh!?

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now