Sixty nine🌸

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Gombe state.

I love, love, love your comments sosai😩💗 keep them coming.

ZahraahDalhat_, yusufrabee and rufeey_ your comments cracked me up like badddd😂😂💔


Immediately after Fajr prayers, Haneesa took her bathe, dressed up in her straight skirt and blouse, tied her head tie in the ture ka ga tsiya style and threw her veil over her shoulder. She applied her makeup and sprayed her body with different type of fragrance, she was ready for Ummah and anyone who will get in her way today.

She glanced at Ahmaad who was sleeping on the bed, it had come to her notice that he spent the night praying and standing on his two feet. She kissed his cheek and turned to leave, She remembers the proverb 'ta shi ka taimaka kanka kafun Allah ya tai make ka' (stand up and help yourself before Allah helps you) and that is exactly what she is going to do.

She walked to Ummah's house and called Nabiila to open the door for her. It was six thirty so everyone must be back to sleep, all the guests and relatives have gone back to their respective homes yesterday except Inna Naana and her two daughters.. The door flew open revealing a sleepy Nabiila as she made way for her sister in law to enter.

"Good morning Nabiiila baby! How are you?" She beamed moving inside the house as if it's a normal thing for her to come to Ummah's side by six thirty in the morning.

"Morning Adda Haneesa, I'm fine." She smiled following her inside. "Your babies gave Ummah a tough night. they kept crying and bawling their little eyes out, I can swear I heard Inna Naana crying from lack of sleep.." Nabiila whispered laughing.

"Maryama can't even make baby's milk, can you imagine.. she wanted to add sugar, thank God I stopped her! Kaman wata illiterate!"

Haneesa laughed making her way to Ummah's room where she was sleeping with the twins. She casually entered the room and carried her babies, Nabiila helped her with Aslam as they left the room.

"I'll help you with their baby bags.." She offered as they walk to her room. She carried her baby's stuff and Nabiila escorted her to her side.

"Thank you so much Biila, if Ummah asks tell her the kids are with their mother" Haneesa replied laying Aslam on the bed.

"Your welcome Adda, I will" she dropped Aslaha carefully beside her twin brother and left. Haneesa sighed in contentment. How did she even survive the night without her babies?

She breastfed them and gave them a bathe, dressed them up in their mint overall and cream cap respectively, she wrapped their bibs around their neck and laid beside them on the bed.

She knows Ummah will barge in any moment from now and she is ready for her.


The door barged open and Ummah walked in with Inna Naana trailing behind her. Haneesa was sitting on the couch breastfeeding Aslam while Ahmaad was on the floor playing with his daughter. It was past one and when Ahmaad woke up and saw the babies he was overwhelmed, he asked Haneesa what she said to Ummah and she just smiled at him saying; me and my own kids? He let the matter go having some family time with his wife and kids.

"Sannu Ummah.." Haneesa greeted with an innocent face. "Please seat down, I would have brought some drinks for you but I'm busy. Sai fah hakuri da masu jego. (You have to be patience with breastfeeding mothers)" she chuckled.

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