twenty eight🌸

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Gombe, Dukku town.

Yep we are back!!! And drama awaits us ooh ahh them Ummah and Munayarh are wait for us😴 hmm...

Oya... Lets go!!!!

Haneesa's POV

My palms are sweaty, my heart is beating faster than usual. We stayed for a week in Gombe, why? I fell sick. I spent the days puking my guts out, having migraine, feeling dizzy and sleeping all day. Ahmaad insisted we went to the hospital but I said no, after lots of pestering.. He carried me and dropped me in the car before driving us to the pharmacy. I was given drugs, the pharmacist suspects I have food poisoning.. Yes, my husband's food was that bad. The poor guy blamed himself, showered me with love and asked for forgiveness but come on I can't be angry with him for such a thing.. It was a mistake and he was trying to make me feel more special. He even promised to join cooking classes if time permits him. Ha!

"Hey are you okay? Your shaking fah!" Ahmaad said bring me out of my thoughts. I nod my head looking at the familiar surrounding. We have arrived. Ya Allahu, ya Ghaffar. Why I'm I feeling nervous and uneasy?

"I'm fine" I lied. He smiled at me as if saying it will be fine but I doubt that. We got off and the maids greet us welcoming us home, seems like a feast is going on here.

"They are here!!!!! Adda Haneesaaaaaa" Zubaina yelled running and enveloping me in a bone crashing hug.

"Zuby I missed youuuu" I hugged back while Ahmaad scold his sister telling her not to kill his wife.

Deja vu.

"Ya hakuri?" She sympathize with me breaking the hug.

"Hakuri yazama dole ai!" I smiled pitifully.

"May his soul rest in peace"

"Ameen. Thank you babe"

"Burdah" ya salaam. The only person who calls me that is Hajiya, I turn around to meet her dressed in a free sewn bubu. I literally ran and hugged her. Tears drop from my eyes, I missed her so much wallahi. I yearned for a mother's warm embrace for the past few months cause my mother didn't really spare me a look talk less of a hug.


"Keh karki karya mana tshohuwan mu. (you don't break our old life woman)" I heard another voice, Inbihaj! I chuckled breaking the hug as I go on my knees to greet her.

"Lafia my dear, please get up from the floor what is this new formality." She scold and I laugh standing up. "How are you?"

"I am fine Hajiya and you?"

"Alhamdulilah, my dear just know inna yaumin za'ikatul maaut. Indeed every soul shall taste death. May his soul rest in perfect peace, may Allah lighten his grave"

"Amiin" we all chorused.

"Hajiya it is my turn, I have been patience enough. Let me see my darling Haneesa" Inbihaj pout and Hajiya gasp playfully.

"Aunty Inbihaj" I teased hugging her.. We couldn't hug properly cause her big stomach is stopping us from doing so. She must be due yanzu kam.

"Aunty Haneesa" she teased back. "I missed my best girlllll"

"I missed you too, how is my baby"

"Your baby is ready to come out"

"I can't wait" I grinned and Rakiya enters the living room, she took me by surprise by hugging me and sympathizing with me. Maybe cause I lost my dad that is why she is nice all of a sudden? Oho but I'm glad she is maybe starting to like me.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now