Seventy three🌸

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Dedicated to my babyyyy ZahraahDalhat_ 💗

See how I am updating anyhowwww.. Scatter me with comments😁


This time it was different, for how long can she take this torture? For how long will she be patient? It was getting out of hand. How many people will Ummah turn against her? How many times will she embarrass her?

Ducking her head lowly, she swallowed the big lump in her throat. You know that moment everything is so hard on you and you just want to cry, and your throat tightens really hard and you can feel the tears pricking your eyes, and your chest rising heavily up and down but you just can't break down because it's not the right place or right time to do so? That's exactly what Haneesa was feeling as she traced her hand on the patterns of her abaya.

She just couldn't take it anymore, so she slowly stood up and left. Walking out of the room and to the living room where the men were sitting, she walked out on the them without saying anything, without even sparing them a glance. She walked out the door and she kept walking, walking, without any idea were she was going to. She just needed some space, she needed to breathe without hearing Ummah instigate another person against her.

Finally the tears rolled down, she wiped them away quickly and harshly. She tried at least but thy kept rolling down her face and just then her phone rang through her clutch. She opened her bag that was on her shoulder before answering the phone call, "Anee.." Just hearing his voice makes her want to cry more. "Where are you baby? What happened?" He asked worriedly and she sniffed.

"SubhanaAllah. Where are you? Please tell me your okay. It's Ummah right?" she couldn't even her mouth to reply him because she is afraid she will forget where she is and break down like a baby.

"Please, answer me. I'm worried! Where are you!?" She could hear his heavy footsteps through the phone call. It seems like he was running, hurting and worried.

"Sweetheart are you there? Please where are you? Come back to me.." She couldn't handle him being this sweet so she ended the call and stood there in the middle of nowhere with the stars shinning brightly. Her phone kept ringing but instead she silenced it and kept it back in her purse.

She slowly walked back to the guest chalet and just then she saw a worried Ahmaad running towards her, he immediately jumped on her, letting out a relived sigh.
"What happened!? Are you okay? You got me all worried Anee, please tell me your fine.. Don't just run away like that.. What if something bad-"

"Take me home. To my kids, please" she cut him off and he moved one stepped backwards, pocketing his hands, he watched her intensely. She refused to meet his eyes, not even once.

"What did she do this time?" He asked after a short while.

"It doesn't matter, just take me home" she looked at the ground, staring at nothing. One look at her you will know she is fighting down her tears because she was biting her lips really hard.

"Ahmaad please" she begged and detecting the urgency in her voice, he nods his head slowly and they walked to the car, he opened the passenger's seat for her and when he excused himself to inform Abba they were leaving she rests her head on the headboard.

Her head was pounding.

She waited in the car for him, it wasn't until she waited in the car for half an hour did it dawn on her that Ummah is doing her very best to make sure he leaves her waiting.

No matter how tired and eager she is to get home, she simply cannot go back inside to call him so she waited, a little big longer.

Checking her phone, she realized it was quarter to midnight. Can she find any taxi out there? Maybe she should call Ya Mukky to pick her up. Or maybe try her luck searching for taxi. Or maybe Uber.. Or just.. Oh God she felt like screaming.

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