Sixty eight🌸

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Gombe state.

Dedicated to each and everyone of you who voted and commented on the previous chapter💗💗


Haneesa was crying hysterically.

Immediately they ran to the room and found their son on the ground crying for his dear life Ahmaad carried him in hand and rushed to the look for his car keys, Haneesa on the other hand was confused, she started crying and throwing her clothes from her wardrobe on the floor looking for something to wear. Finally she grabbed an open abaya and a purple veil she saw, draping it over her body, she carried Aslaha and rushed to meet her husband and child in the car. She had to hold both babies as Ahmaad drove to the hospital full speed.

They arrived soon and took Aslam to E&A (emergency and accident ward), Aslaha kept on crying due to the way her mother was crying heavily. Ahmaad collected the little girl and kept pacing forth and back worriedly.

It wasn't until twenty minutes later when the doctor on duty stepped out from the ward. "He is fine, Thank God it wasn't a serious hit he will be fine. I will just prescribe some paracetamol for him and make sure you feed him some milk" he said and they nod their heads.

"Nothing to worry about, just keep an eye on him. Kids at this age are very fragile, be careful please" he advice before walking away. Ahmaad paid the bills and they went back home. He prayed two naafilaah's to thank Allah for his child's wellbeing. he will never forgive himself if anything happens to his children, they are his amanah (promise) from Allah and his reason to live.

Still dressed in his jallabiyya, he walked inside Haneesa's room were she had Aslam cradled to her chest as she cried silently. Aslaha was back to sleep beside her and he sighed, "How is he?" He asked sitting beside her on the bed.

"I just gave him the paracetamol and some milk.." She sniffed back her tears.

"Shh Habibty, it's okay" he circled her waist and pulled her closer to him. She didn't object rather she laid her head on his shoulder and cried more. She was still in shock over what happened, she can vividly remember her frantically looking for something to wear over her night ware. She can remember seeing the little boy on the floor as he cried really hard, he must have been in so much pain.

"Anee please it's enough, he is fine now. instead of crying you can use that opportunity to thank Allah that he is fine okay?" He cooed rubbing his hand on her back.

She had long forgotten about their silky fight, all that matters is her children's wellbeing. "Ahmaad I'm sorry"

He sighed before collecting a sleeping Aslam and laying him beside Aslaha. After making sure the babies were snuggled in bed and a pillow was begin each of them, he grabbed her hand and sat her down on the floor with him. "I'm sorry too Anee, I shouldn't have neglected your feelings, I should have been more careful with you, you are my fragile hearted wife who needs to be treated with lots of patience and love. I just lost my temper and said a lot of hurtful words to you and I am deeply sorry. I didn't mean any of that but wallahi Anee you pushed me so far.. You hurt me even after I tried to win over you heart. I guess the cake and Chinese was just a waste of time and efforts"

Her heart skyrocketed. She could feel new set of hot, fresh tears rolling down her cheek. "I'm sorry Ahmadidi, it's all my fault. I was being irrational and inconsiderate and also stupid and I was acting very foolish. I promise I will never bring up Hajara again or anything that will hurt you and also I really enjoyed the cake and Chinese, wallahi'l azeem that little gesture of yours wins my heart every time" she kissed his cheek.

"It's all in the past. We are not perfect and so is our marriage. I can't promise you that I won't fight or argue with you cause that is what makes up our marriage but I promise you I will always patch things up between us even though you are very stubborn" he kissed her wet eyes lids making her to pout.

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