twenty nine🌸

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Hey ummu KYDAH aeeshatou_ forgive your sister love😭😭😭😭 Happy late birthday babe😭❤ I can't believe I am wishing you days after your birthday kaiiii💔💔 forgive me dear. Allah's rahama and blessings now and always I hope you enjoyed your day🌚 this chapter is for you (since I promised you a chapter for your birthday) but being the person I am😥 I couldn't make it. Pleaseeeeeeee forgive this girl of yours😭😭 I love you baby miii

Haneesa's POV

They say Allah's time is the best.

His timing is perfect in every matter.

And I can't help but agree with that, in less than a weeks time little Inbihaj came inside the world. She filled the palace with happiness and my void heart with light, she made me believe maybe__just maybe there is hope for me.

Ummah continued torturing and rubbing anti amarya's pregnancy on my face but I couldn't care less about her__I've left everything in the hands of Allah cause only he can give me the pregnancy not anyone.

Hajiya was over the moon__so is mommy, she was the happiest. She went overboard with baby clothes and Salman's joy has no bound. Their love for each other bought tears in my eyes, the way they stared at their little baby with nothing but pure happiness makes me envy them__I want mine too.


What is wrong with me. I am happy for them wallahi, I really am..

"Adda Hanee!!" Zubaina yelled snapping her fingers in front of my eyes, I zoned out__again!

"Yes?" I smiled

"Wai what are you thinking about neh? I've been talking to you since?" She said annoyed

"Sorry love, what were you saying?"

"I said my sister is coming home today, Nabila" she jumped in joy while the baby stirred. Inbihaj is finally asleep, the baby spends the night crying and tiring her mother out and will only sleep in the morning. I really pity her__if not for mommy and me, she would have been dead now cause we take turns in the night rocking the baby. It's not easy.

"Shh" I said patting her head and she flutter here eyes close. That was close.

"Let's go outside, we don't want to wake them up" I whispered and she nod her head. I bumped into Ahmaad on my way out, ya Salaam. I've been avoiding him for so long but I don't think I can avoid him forever. I turned around and Zuby was no where to be found__traitor!

"Hey Anee" his husky voice whispered making his hot minty breath fan my face.

"Hey" I simply replied trying to get away from his grip but he pulled me closer to his body.

"I've had enough torture please sweetheart let's talk, I promise I can explain"



I take a deep breath and push him away from me, I won't fall into his trap again__not anymore.

"I have something to do"

"Anee please. I'm be leaving for Gombe soon, I can't leave knowing my wife is angry with me, that we are not on talking terms of with my wife. Anee it's breaking me. Please talk to me" A bile rose in my throat so I pushed him away and rushed to the bathroom where I puked my guts out.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, I ignored him cause me head is throbbing real bad. "Is it the food poisoning?"

"Goddammit please answer me! Are you okay?" He asked again frustrated

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