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Silent readers.. Abeg make una vote and comment😭😭😭 it is getting annoying, I literally spend time writing so appreciate me😣😣 una well done all.. I love you❤❤

Gombe, Duku town.

Munayarh was dressed in a red body hug silky dress as she applies red lipstick to her full lips, she sprays her perfume all over her body that if one is to pass by the room he will get a severe headache.

"By fire by force Ahmaad and I will get intimate. Even if it will rain ice block and the roof of the room will remove, we must make love to each other" Munayarh vowed to her self as the door to the room open slowly. Ahmaad coughed his way inside the room hissing in annoyance.

"Are you high? What the hell is wrong with you??" He yelled as she quickly passed him a cup of water.

"Baby, I am so sorry. Here, let me help you" she said unbuttoning his shirt and he removed her hands from his chest.

"Listen and listen attentively, Munayarh God is my witness that I have always seen you as a cousin in my eyes, I have never imagined to marry you and now you are my wife. I want to make one thing clear... Stay away from me and my wife. I will put a roof over your head, feed you and show you to the world as mine but don't expect more from me" he spoke through gritted teeth and she watches him in shock.. He won't make this easy on me, I have to go with plan B.

"Ahmaad Dan Allah don't do this to me, there is much more to bring married than putting a roof over my head and feeding me. I need some love and affection, I am human and I have feelings" she began her crocodile tears and he hiss standing up

"I have said my own now you can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch" he spat and with that he walks away leaving her fuming with anger.

So this is how he wants to do it koo? No problem, we might not make love to each other tonight but we will soon. You can't resist my beauty Ahmaad, you cannot. And with that she falls on the bed drifting into sleep.

*** ****
Haneesa's POV

"Thank you!" I say to the two Fulani maids who bought food to my room following Hajiya's commands.

"Your welcome princess" the smile leaving my room. That reminds me I have to talk to Hajiya about the maids calling me princess, they make me feel royalty which I am definitely not. the only person who calls me princess is daddy.. And I miss him terribly.

I have no appetite of eating but it would be for my best interest if I eat before Hajiya comes.. That woman will feed me and feed me until I can't walk again.. Opening the food flask, I help myself a little bit of the chicken pepper soup and sweet potatoes. the food was tasteless on my tongue either way I chew slowly.

I wonder if Ahmaad has gotten any sleep last night, what happened between him and Munayarh? doesn't he have feelings for me anymore? What about all the promises he made? All the I love you's? Are they over?

I question myself as tears roll down my cheek making heart crunch in sadness. Yaa Allah make my affairs easy for me.. inalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. No one can understand what I am going through right now, no one can feel my pain.. I feel suffocated. I feel like I am going to break any minute from now.

"Adda Hanee!!" Zubaina yelled making the plate of food in my hand fall on the ground. "Subhanallah!" I said my heart skipping a beat.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, it's just I have been here five minutes ago but it seems you didn't acknowledge my presence" she said trying to tidy the mess I made.

"It's okay" I smiled and she sit on the bed holding my hands.

"How are you?" She asked and I feel my heart break more at her question.

How am I?

I am not good wallahi.

I want to go home.

I miss Maami.. I miss my daddy.

I long to see Adda Hayri and Ya Mukky.

I want Amtullah now.. No wait I need her right now.

"I am fine" I replied masking away my pains and smiling at her.

"Adda Haneesa.." she said not believing me and I hug her.

"I promise, I'm fine" I said dismissing the topic and she gives me a tight smile before we start discussing about random things until Hajiya comes inside the room.

"It's nice to see you all smiley.. Zubaina what did you do to our Burdah?" She smiled cheekily "It's a secret only I Zubaina knows, now shoo Hajiya let us be" she answers and she swats her hand playfully.

"Woooosh.. So painful" she cries dramatically and I laugh at her

"Silly girl, stand up and leave me alone with my daughter"

"Su Hajiya mangeda. Wato because Haneesa is here you are disowning me? Hmm duniya Keenan!" She said standing up feigning hurt "I am going now and no one should come and beg me to forgive him later cause I won't. su wa'e sunsan da wa nakeyi! (The people I am talking to know their selves)" she sways her hips leaving the room and I laugh at her while Hajiya made a note to teach her a lesson later.

"Burdah do you trust me?" Hajiya asks sitting on the bed next to me and I look at her curiously.

"Yes Hajiya but why are you asking?"

"If you trust me then stand up and go and meet your mother in law right now, she is waiting for you in her room."

"But Haji-"

"No buts, stand up right now and go and meet her. Hammad have talked to her and now I want both of you to settle things" she said kissing my forehead and leaving me alone in lost in my thoughts. After debating for a short period of time, I stand up and put a white veil over my head before walking out of the room. Now I know places but I've not yet mastered the whole house.

"Assalam Alaikum" I salamed entering Ummah's room where she was seated legs crossed on her brown royal couch, she barely answered my salam as she motion for me to sit on the ground in front of her.

"So you think reporting me to Hajiya will make me like you? Ehhn? Now to talk is a problem koo but you can snitch!" She yelled and I stare at her in confusion. What is she saying now DanAllah DanAnnabi?
"Shebi you are happy now that my husband scolded me because of you.. Toh wallahi let me tell you something, I will never let you breathe peacefully in this house since you are a devil!! So you have finally bewitched my husband and the rest of my family members? Okay ooh.. continue" she threatened as tears roll down my cheek. Where is Ahmaad when I need him?

Wawiya!!(fool) Ahmaad is probably there enjoying his life with Munayarh while you are here receiving curses from his mother? Are you that dumb ehh? So now you won't pack your load and leave already? Biko stay there and keep crying lemme see if angel will descend from heaven and save you! Mstw!!!!

My subconscious slide in putting wild thoughts in my head. No I can't give up, I can't leave. I love Ahmaad fisabillilah and wallahi i can't live without him. And if I leave here where on earth will I go to? I am not welcomed in my house anymore because of the promise I made to my father..

Oya keep staying here and be receiving your mother in law's wrath. Idiot!

She continued and before I could proceed my mental debate I felt a resonating sound on my cheek. Ummah slapped me!

I am no longer updating till further notice🚶🏽🚶🏽

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