Forty three🌸

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YASSSSS! I am updating...


Feeling a hand sneak around her waist, Amtullah gasp in shock as she drops the plate in her hand making it shatter into small tiny pieces. She let out a shrill before turning to look at Sadiq who was now on his knees to pick up the broken plate.

"Leave it, I'll do it" she quickly offer bending down to help.

"No it's my mess, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that" he smiled his dimple popping on his left cheek.

She quickly averted her gaze,

Damn he is soooo handsome...

But her heart is sealed to another someone unfortunately.

"I'm sorry" he said as she grabs a broom to pack up the mess.

"It's okay, I was just about to serve your breakfast. Just give me two minutes"

"Amtullah we need to talk!" He replied dismissing her talk about breakfast. She felt her heart crunch in distress, she doesn't deserve Sadiq, not at all. He is too good for her. He doesn't deserve someone who doesn't love him, someone whose heart belongs to someone else.

"You will be late for work" she smiled getting another plate and serving him the fries and egg with sausage.

"Work can wait. Thank you" he said collecting the mug of coffee and they walked to the dinning table.

"Tell me!" He commanded and her red bloodshot eyes meet his light brown ones in confusion.


"His name"

Her heart fell in the pit of her stomach.

"Sadiq I-"

"Amtullah please, we've been married for what now? Almost three weeks and a person in his right mind will see your not happy, you love someone else and your losing it because your not with the person, I know our marriage happened fast. I don't even know but from the little I know is that your an amazing girl and I love you so much to want to see you happy. If that person will make you happy then I am willing to let you go back to him"


Did he just say he will let her go?

She burst out into tears almost immediately, she isn't crying cause her heart is bleeding and aching to be with Mubarak but cause she lost such an amazing husband and that is Sadiq. She lost him.

"Stop crying please, it's breaking my heart" he said handing her a tissue and she collect it dabbing her face with it.

"I-i'm sorry. I failed you as a-a wife" she cried in a muffled voice.

"No you didn't. You are the world's best wife darling, never once did you complain to me to let you go. You fulfilled your duty as a wife even though you heart was bleeding uncontrollably. I've fallen deeply in love with you Amtullah but I'll get over it. You deserve happiness"

"You deserve happiness too Sadiq. You're such an amazing guy wallahi"

"Thank you, it means a lot. Now tell me his name?"

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now