Seventy two🌸

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For my cousin😂😂 Hajiya Nawaal this is for you. 💗💗


She can feel the tears rolling down her cheek,

She can hear her husband calling out her name, but everything was just the background.

She smiled, a very wide bright smile that reached her eyes. She can swear her mouth will tear because of how wide she is smiling.

"Ya Mukky?" She called out shocked, he smiled, unwrapping his arms from across his chest before spreading them wide leaning in for a hug.

"Baby sister" he murmured into her ear hugging her tightly. From behind her she could hear Aslaha and Aslam's giggles and she realized Ahmad was standing right behind her with the kids. She pulled away from the hug wiping away her tears.

"I missed you, where have you been? I-"

"Oh please, let me come in at least" he pushed her away entering inside the house, he gasped. "Oh My God. Haneesa WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU FEEDING THEM!?"

Rolling her eyes at her brother's dramatic behavior, she closed the door behind her and followed them inside. "Ya Mukhtar, where have you been?"

He was sitting on the one sitter couch holding Aslam since his twin refused to come to him. "I prefer coke, thanks"

Groaning, she dragged her feet to the kitchen and grabbed one freezing coca cola, she opened the snacks cabinet and grabbed a pack of lays, sour cream and onion, his favourite. Returning to the living room, she bumped into Nabiila who was wearing a brown hijab as she exchanged pleasantries with Mukhtar.

"Where are you going?" Ahmaad asked placing Aslaha on his chest as she slowly closed her eyes.

"Outside, erm, I'm meeting a friend" she replied nervously.

"Why don't you invite him inside?"

"Yaya I promise we won't take long, besides you guys are talking and.. Please" she begged him and he sighed standing up.

"I'll escort you"

Mukhtar choked on his coke, "to see her boyfriend?! Come on man, if I am to be the boyfriend I would hate you"

"I'll be back, see I'm going with Aslaha" he insisted walking outside and Nabiila dragged her feet, pouting as she followed him.

Haneesa laughed at the siblings before turning her attention to her brother. "Now tell me"

He smiled. "I have cleared my name from all the bad things I was involved in Haneesa. I have no bad records now unless for the ones I cannot erase and the ones that are between me and my Lord. I want to start a family, with Fateemah and the only way that I can show my appreciation towards her is if I can be a better person for her. I want to be the best husband to her and also a role model to our future kids. I haven't been the best brother, son nor person over the few years. All this time I blamed my mother for the person I was but the truth is that I just needed an excuse to be a bad person and my mother leaving me for another man happens to be the best excuse.

I am not that Ya Mukhtar you used to know Haneesa, I am a new ya Mukhtar. A brand new one who is seeking forgiveness from Allah and all his family members that he has hurt intentionally or unintentionally. I don't know if I have ever said this but I love you baby sister and thank you for accepting me as your brother even though I haven't been the best"

"Ya Mukky..." She choked out her words, she was crying heavily.

"Everyone has forgiven me, even my own mother and I have forgiven her also. For leaving me when I was just seven just so to be with another man and wallahi I do not regret the fact that she ever left me if not I wouldn't have met Teemah, the best thing that has ever happened to me in this life.."

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