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Hey! I exist.


"She is too weak to travel to Kaduna, I suggest she stays back. Insha Allah he'll be fine" Hajiya spoke grabbing her big veil (lafaya)

"But Hajiya don't you think if she sees him, maybe.. Just maybe she will talk" Adda tried to change her mind but to no avail. She is just wasting her time.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Maami cut in. "She has just been discharged from the hospital, it's not advisable for her to travel seeing that she is still not talking" her voice cracking in the end.

Haneesa cries painfully.

Here she is laying on the bed helplessly, unable to talk.. And unable to voice out her decision. She watches as they all try to take a decision for her, as they plan her own life not caring about what she feels towards the whole thing.

Slowly peeling the drip from her hand, she walks out of the room seeing adda Hayrah, Maami and Hajiya were absentmindedly talking. She finds herself walking to daddy's room.. A place she hasn't been to since he died.

A wave of sadness hit her as she push the door open, the room was dusty.. Clearly stating no one has step foot inside since the owner's demise.

Tears roll down her cheek, she won't be surprised if her tears finish seeing she has been crying her eyes ever since she got married. It's always one problem or the other but this is her destiny. 

The pens have been lifted, the ink has dried off therefore there is nothing that can be changed.

Looking around the room, she wipes away a lone tear and walks to his study. She remembers the time she will meet him there working on his laptop with his reading glasses on the edge of his nose.. She would always rant about her day to him while he will nod in the appropriate place and work at the same time.

There is always one thing about daddy, writing about his day, family and things he cherish on his laptop. She rummages through his study looking for that personal laptop.. The one he never lets anyone touch.

Finally she found it buried under his piles of papers. legs shaking, She sits on the chair and wipe off the dust on the laptop.

It's now or never.

Password? It required password and she has no idea what it is, the hint says 'hint' is it that personal that he won't even hint his password?

She tried 'better half', but it didn't work. She tried her name.. Still didn't work. She tried Adda Hayri's name, the twins name, Mukhtar's name but still it failed. She was on the verge of giving up, what on earth could be the password.

She gave up. After a while of cracking her brain and crying, she gave up.

The blooming voices of her family members were coming closer, they are looking for her and she is in no mood to see them so she dips lower on the bed and let sleep take over her.

*🍭 * 🍭 * 🍭

For a fifty three years old woman, Hajiya has physically and emotionally exhausted her energy which is not good for her health. Though she tends to be strong for the family cause she is the head and strongest pillar of the family.. she deserves a break from all the drama.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now