twenty five🌸

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Nigeria, Abuja.

Mubarak zooms off in his car with tears blurring his view, he can't believe Amtullah cheated on him. He really, really loves her and this is what he gets in return for loving her?

His phone rings and he checks to see it was her, rejecting the call he brings out the diamond ring he had stopped by to pick up as he grazed his finger on the beautiful ring. He was all ready to propose but she ruined everything! She ruined him, herself and them.

The phone rings again and this time it was his mother. Oh the poor woman who was at home preparing a feast just cause her son said he was bringing a girl home, that was his initial plan after their date to take her to meet his family but see where he ended up.. On my highway driving at an abnormal speed.

"Hello Maa" he called trying to sound normal, he can't see his mother broken.

"Hello Mubarak, where are you guys haa'an? Everyone is waiting for you, all your sisters are at home" she spoke with enthusiasm.

"Actually Maa we can't make it today" he lied his heart breaking piece by piece, this time he wasn't crying about the fact that Amtullah cheated on him but for the fact his mother was really excited to see her son settle down and now her dream is not coming true.

"Why? What is wrong with your voice?" she asked and he keep quiet "Mubarak what is going on? Baby are you okay"

"Maa she broke me, maa I am sorry for keeping your hope high. I am dying maa please save me" he cried increasing his speed while his mother on the other side was already on her knees begging for her son to calm down.

"Baby na don't cry everything will be fine In Shaa Allah"

"No maa, it's over. I really loved her wallahi but she is the reason I am in tears now, Maa I hate her!"

"Listen calm down now and come home"

"I love you"

"I love you too" she said ending the call and he stares at his wallpaper which is a picture of Amtullah laughing and holding a cone of ice cream in her hand, he smiled painfully before throwing the phone on ground and looking up to concentrate back on the road but what destiny had in store for him was shocking.. Ya Allah! It was too late, he was no longer in control of the car as it hits another car spinning and spinning around until it hit a tree before stopping... Ya Salaam!

Life has a strange way of direction.. Mubarak had already planned out the day but it seems destiny has another plan, we plan and Allah plans and he is surely the best of planners.

He never saw that coming! The deal with Amtullah the love of his life, or the car coming with full speed opposite him. It all happened so fast, and nothing can be done now. That is how Allah willed and it has already been written even before he was bought inside this world that he would be engaged in a very bad accident.

The accident that would lead to him being paralyzed with a broken collar bone and the accident which might lead to death.

Yaa Allah!


Ahmaad walks slowly to his aunt in shock as he falls on the ground with a loud thud in front of her.

"How is She?" He asked as the living room was dead quiet. Hajiya was lost in thoughts while Abba, Daddy, Mummy, Salman, Inbihaj and Zubaina were muttering their dua's. Ummah couldn't care less about the fact that they were just informed that Haneesa lost her dad, she was praying for her not to come back while aunty amarya was in her room after making a silly excuse that she has to clean her room water spilled, as if she moves an inch talk more of cleaning water that spilled either ways no one could care less, they are still in shock.

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