twenty four🌸

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Assalam Alaikum beautiful people.

I know I've wronged you all by not updating for almost a month now. Abii it has already been a month😩 sorry my people.. Thank you for being patient and dropping by sweet comments.. Ammah is fine by the grace of God at least I am doing okay with a dislocated leg😭😭😭

Oya let me fill you guys about my sudden disappearance😪 hmm

So school was getting hectic with exams and all, I left everything in the hands of Allah fah😅😅 biko I can't kill myself because of school, I cannot come and kill myself again because of school and I cannot come and go and kill my self because of SCHOOL😂😂 aswearrrr to godddddd😴

Then I was jeyjelly walking ooh and GBAM! I dislocated my leg😑 long story short I am on bed rest but Alhamdulilah I am getting better.

Lastly my lazy ass body was too lazyyyyy to update😪😫 I am sorry loves don't worry Ammah is back at it again,💃💃 now manage this short chapter and shower me with love I promise I will update soonnnnnnn not late soon😂 soon soon😉🌸

Oya read...🙏😘 but mind you this chapter is pregnant.. Like pregnant, pregnant fah😱😲😬

Nigeria, Abuja.

Haneesa slowly walks downstairs dressed in a black hijab with eye swollen and lips chapped.. She has been discharged from the hospital two days ago and people were still busting in and out of their house to send their condolences. She hated when people reminded her of him, especially annoying aunties and visitors who came just to gossip. It is rightly said when you die that's when people care, that's when you suddenly become a celebrity. Huff! One aunty even said 'Alla ya maimai ta mana' (may Allah repeat this event for us)
Aauzubillahi minna shaidani rajeem! People of nowadays, some were talking about Rahma Sadau's new film.. Ya Allahu! May God help us..

"Haneesa, where have you been? Haa'an is this how to behave? You will just lock yourself up in your room" one of her aunties spoke making everyone turn their attention to her, she decides to ignore her cause talking back to her will be pointless, that's how she is. She walks to the kitchen but stops in tracks when she hears two women talking about her

"Hmm you know that his last daughter ai she got married but up till now neither her husband or his family have showed up to bring their condolences"

"DanAllah? Kai I heard that she married on commoner from Gombe.. Maybe he jinxed her serf who knows"

"Ahtoh, and you know non of his family members showed up for her wedding events"

"Hmm only God knows which Kain of man Abba Gorge married his daughter to.. Now he has left leaving her in the hands of weird people.. He has caused for his daughter..." she couldn't hear more, it hurt her. Some people just didn't care, they should fear Allah fisabillilah if they won't fear the wrath of the family members, haba! There is a limit to everything. She runs to her room and falls on the bed crying, she couldn't help but accept the fact that most of the things they said was true, Ahmaad still haven't showed up and and never called her. Is Ummah that heartless? Can't she at least consider her dead father? Ya Allah! Only you can heal the pain in this poor girl's heart.. Grant her patience and courage to pass this test.

** **

Amtullah opens the door and there standing was Mukhtar standing by the door handsomely with his hands in his pockets and black face cap covering his face, she hesitated to let him in but was taken aback when he pushed her and enter the house.. Her father was once again on one of his business trips and she was all alone at home, actually she was all dressed up waiting for Mubarak to come and pick her, they were going on a date.

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