Sixty three🌸

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Gombe State.


One early morning, two weeks before Rakiya's wedding. Inbihaj stopped by to carry Haneesa after leaving the twins, Nabiila, Ajma and her nanny (Kubra) at Haneesa's side. They promised to be back in less than four hours and Nabiila was more than happy to stay with the babies, she needed a distraction and time to herself seeing all her cousins were being too nosy.

They first stopped by a salon, where they washed their hair, trimmed and curled it. Inbihaj suggest they don't plait the hair in the salon and leave it till they go to Dukku, which is in two days because she knows a very nice hair plaiter there.

They had their manicures and pedicures, laughing and talking. After then, Inbihaj drove them to the supermarket where they shopped for their babies.

"No quality diapers in Dukku, buy as much as you can" Inbihaj suggest as Haneesa carried a size two diaper, they proceeded to carry instant milk, some wipes, cute toys they saw, baby soap, baby hair shampoo, baby oil and basically everything they will need to last them their stay in Dukku.

After paying with their husband's ATM cards, they left the supermarket and drove to a shop where Inbihaj asked Haneesa to wait in the car. She stayed there for almost fifteen minutes before Inbihaj exited the shop carrying two heavy bags.

"What is that?" She asked as she kept the bag in the back seat and settled on the driver's seat.

"Our anko (uniform clothes) for the wedding."

"I didn't know we had anko.." She gasped

"Well you have me so don't worry love. And yes, your husband paid.. I talked to him even before you guys came to Gombe and he sent your money for the anko and sewing"

"Thank you so much"

"What are sisters for?" She winked driving them to the restaurant where they ate and talked about how the wedding will be lite and how fine they will look. Inbihaj told her that their head ties and high heels she ordered will arrive tomorrow and will be delivered to them InshaAllah. She couldn't be more grateful for Inbihaj in her life.

"We better get home, we have been away for a while" Haneesa suggest glancing at her watch. It was past Asr prayers and they left home since twelve o'clock. Thank God they both were not praying.

"Toh mamman babies. if you insist. Let's go" Inbihaj groaned making her to laugh. They brought takeaway foods for their husband's because they will be too lazy to cook when they get home seeing how exhausted they were.

Arriving home they met Salman and Ahmaad watching football in the living room. Only one of the twin was with them while the two kids were no where to be found along with Biila and Kubra.

"Assalam Alaikum.. I didn't know you were coming over" Inbihaj said after they chorused their salaam's.

"Wa'alaikum Salaam. Well when I have been receiving debit alerts I had to stop by and collect my card back" Salman replied and they laughed.

"At least we brought some food for you guys, be thankful" Haneesa said and they all laughed. The went to the kitchen and unpacked the food while serving it to them. Haneesa collected Aslaha from Ahmaad asking about Aslam and Ajma's whereabout.

"They went to Ummah's side with Nabiila and Kubra" he replied

"Haneesa you have to do something about this little princess, she is so attached to this monkey over here it is not healthy" Salman said

"What can I do? He pampers her too much wai princess" she rolled her eyes. They excused themselves as they walked to Haneesa's room where they freed their selves from the veil and head tie. Sipping their cold drinks, they talked about how the travelling arrangements will be.

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