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Nigeria, Gombe state.

             The Fulani day event went by smoothly as Haneesa was showered with money, blessings and more money. It's like a budan kai but different since she was dressed in Fulani attire with a multi colored veil on her head, the necessary traditional jewelries were in the appropriate place on her body and her makeup was beautifully done by one of her friends who was a makeup guru. Her silky dark hair was backed in a low bun and her hennaned  hand shinning in the lovely weather of the state. Her friends were also wearing Fulani attire which she admitted look weird but beautiful on them, Amtullah was on full Snapchat mode capturing every moment with hash tag;Aneemaad2k18. It was a memorable and joyful day.


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Haneesa's mother in law, Ummah as she was popularly called only showed up when she was asked to unveil the bride and after spraying her she left one would say she was forced to do what she did but nevertheless everyone had fun.

Now back to the groom...

Ahmaad's POV

"Where is Ummah?" I growled at Rakiya, my immediate younger sister who was dressed in her tees and T-shirt slumped on the couch as if there is no event going on outside the house.

"Oh Yaya, welcome home" she grinned reducing the volume of the television.

"I asked you a question!" I yelled and her body flinch in fear.

"S-she is in her room" she stammered sacred.

"Go and get dressed, don't you know your brother's Fulani day event is going on" I rolled my eyes

"ummah said we shouldn't attend the event"

"Don't let me go and come back and meet you here.. Baki da kunya koo?! Today you will tell me who is elder me or you. Gerrout of here my friend and go and welcome your sister in law" I hissed walking to Ummah's room where I banged the door open.

There is a limit to everything, haba! She refused to go to Abuja for any of my wedding events, she forbidden everyone from going even my siblings and now that the bride is in her house she won't come and do the mother in law tradition?

"Haidar!!" She yelled as I pace up and down in her room trying to calm down.

"Ummah everyone has been waiting for you for the past twenty minutes" I said and she hissed loudly.

"Listen as far as I am concerned no marriage is taking place here, you decided to marry a girl your mother doesn't approve right? Then go and unveil her yourself. Mstw!"

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now