Thirty nine🌸

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Sorry for the wait.. School has been hectic and I have been really sick.
Just pray for Ammah please🙏💕

"Allah said in the glorious Quran that with every hardship comes ease, and he further said in another verse 'the kind and most patient ones must be rewarded with no account' all you need to say when you're facing a problem is 'inna lilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun' (from Allah we are and to him we shall return) May Allah see us though.." She smiled holding her hands hoping she'll get a result from her, everyone has tried his very best to get her to talk- to at least try when the doctors are giving her a go ahead but she is afraid, afraid of the outcome.

She waited for two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, thirty minutes.. But still nothing. She didn't even spare her a glance as she stared into a space, she made no attempt to open her mouth talk more of try to talk. She is falling and she doesn't want to receive help

The door to the room opened and Adda walked in with a bowl of chicken soup, Hajiya sighed heavily as she asked Hayrah to hand over the bowl, she'll feed her and hopefully she will eat.

"Open up Burdah.. It's enough that your not talking, it's enough that you've not said a word for the past two weeks but you have to eat! You can't hurt the little one inside you, so for my sake, please.. I am pleading with you Burdah, eat!"

She has no appetite but the fact that Hajiya is begging her, pleading with her to eat she opened her mouth and with great difficulty swallowed the soup. The taste felt bitter, her throat is burning as she reached for water and gulped it down her blazing throat. She ate.. More like forced the food down her stomach and when Hajiya was contented, she let her be.

"Assalam Alaikum" comes in Amtullah, Maa and Adda Safiya. They exchanged pleasantries and when they asked if Haneesa's health they were told the same thing they told them day before yesterday when they came to visit.

"Haba Haneesa haba!!" Amtullah yelled annoyed. "What is wrong with you best friend? Why are you hurting yourself and us? Why?! Do you enjoy seeing us in pain? Do you think we want you this way? Do you know how it feels to come here everyday hoping I'll see some change but everyday it's the same thing!" she yelled standing up. Everyone in the room was watching her as if she have lost it but she doesn't care, she has reached to the point where she must speak out her mind.

"Amtullah calm down" Adda Hayrah sniffed walking over to her as she pulled her in a warm embrace. The cried on each other for the pain they are going through.. Ya Salaam.

"I won't calm down! Enough is enough. Why is she so selfish? Why is she stubborn?!" She yelled more as tears roll down Haneesa's cheek, she can hear but she can't speak- that's what she believes but how can you know you can't speak when you don't try?

"Haneesa you are an idiot. Yes I will say it to your face if you like cry a river!" she yelled more walking over to her and kneeling before the bed. "Will it hurt to try talking? Are you afraid that you can't talk and you will never be able to talk for the rest of your life?"

'Yes' she mentally replied crying.

"What happened to your faith in Allah? Don't you trust him"

'I do, but.. Oh God" she cried more.

"Your not being fair on us Haneesa you are not wallahi. Look at Adda Hayrah.." She said pointing at a shattered Adda, she is losing her sanity bits by bits.

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