Sixty four🌸

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Gombe, Dukku.

Not edited as usual..😩


"Wuta!! (Fire!) My sister is on fire oo!" Inbihaj cheered doing her crazy dance as we entered my room.. The twins were on the bed still sleeping, I guess they are so knackered out from the short trip that they didn't even wake up to look for food.

"Oh Inbihaaaaj" I whine.

"Don't 'Inbihaj' me. Haba sister.. Finally you are showing that girl her place in this house." She lowered her voice seeing how Aslam stirred on the bed.

Haneesa groans when he opened his light brown eyes before letting out a wail and throwing his hands in the air as if saying carry me, she carries him and just then Aslaha decided to cry too.

"Aslaha baby, shh, don't cry, aunty Inbi will carry you" Haneesa cooed as Inbihaj carried her.

"Aslala" she mimicked, Ajma will always try to say Aslaha by saying Aslala which was funny and cute.

She fed the babies and they talked for a while before a maid walked inside the room informing them that Hajiya was requesting their presence in the big living room. The dismissed her and wrapped the babies in a blue and pink flannel respectively, it was Hajiya's first time seeing the twins and thankfully they were wide awake sucking their hands, it was then she noticed so she quickly grabbed their pacifiers, pushed it inside their mouth after lots of struggles and then she wore small mittens on their hands.

They walked to the main parlor were Abba, Daddy, Inna Naana, Inna Fatima, Inna Aisha, and Hajiya were sitting. They were all Hajiya's children, some were beaming when Abba introduced her as Haidar's wife while some like Inna Naana where snickering, muttering words under their breaths.

"MaaShaa Allah. My great grand twins, Zaynab and Abubakar" Hajiya grinned holding the twins. She prayed for them and everyone concluded with Ameen's.

"The girl looks more like Haidar.." Inna Aisha commented holding her in her hand.

"So pretty MashaAllah but unfortunately that's not what brought us Hajiya. We are here for Rakiya's wedding, not a get together to see Haidar's wife and kids" Inna Fatima bickered.

"Yes, Fatima is right. Keh! (You!) Take your kids and let us be.." Inna Naana snapped her fingers gesturing at Haneesa to collect the baby from Inna Aisha while Inbihaj should collect Aslam from Hajiya.

"Burdah I will personally come and see the kids later InshaAllah" Hajiya said before they exited the Parlour

"No need Hajiya, I will bring them over to your chamber in the morning InshaAllah" she replied walking away with Inbihaj.

"Mssst tsofin banza. (Useless oldies)" Inbihaj hissed "they should be ashamed of their selves"

"Unfortunately they are not. It's late you should go back to Ajma.." she said as they reached her room.

"Okay habibty, she is probably wit Kubra playing, I will get her and go to bed. Goodnight" she placed the baby on the bed and turned on her heels.

"Goodnight, kiss Ajma for me"

"I will, and remember we have to be awake early. We need to supervise breakfast, and also we will be having special guests from the nearby town, very important people. I will fill you on the deed tomorrow InshaAllah. Sleep well"

She sigh, "Allah ya kaimu."


Haneesa groaned getting off bed stealthy, one small noise and Aslam will be wide awake crying and throwing a tantrum and she doesn't need that, not now at least. She tip toed to the bathroom and quickly took a bathe, she exited the bathroom, dressed up and woke Ahmaad to pray Fajr.

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