Forty eight🌸

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We are getting there......


Haneesa watch as the phone ring for the thousand time in an hour,

She was tempted to answer but the call but Adda's email blinked in her mind continuously. She was not allowed to answer the call.. At least not now.

When the call finally ended, she quickly dialed Adda's number and she picked up after the third ring.

"Hello, it is Bahiyya" a sweet little voice spoke from the other line making all Haneesa's worries vanish for a moment.

"Aww sweetheart! How are you?"

"Oh aunt Haneesa, I am fine. Where are you? I miss you. You missed our birthday aunt Haneesa, it was so fun.. Daddy brought us two princesses cakes, I and Hadiyya. It was delicious! Don't worry I kept some for you and your baby.." She blabbered making Haneesa shock, how much of the twins childhood did she miss exactly?

"...I lost my tooth day before yesterday, mommy said I should keep it under my pillow for the tooth fairy. Did you know how much I got?" The girl continued with much enthusiasm.

"No. How much?" She played along.

"Uncountable" she laughed "We found an atm card and daddy took me shopping. I brought many things."

"Wow, that's so cool. What about Haddiya"

"She lost her tooth today, when I lost my tooth she was so sad and she was even crying cause the tooth fairy gave me lots of money but today she is happy cause the tooth fairy will give her her own share"

"Bahiyya! Who are you talking to!? Is that my phone? This girl bring it here before I come and meet you" she heard her sisters voice in the background and after shuffling stuffs she finally heard Adda voice clearly.

"Baby love, how are you? Sorry about Bahiyya. She talks too much nowadays for my liking" she could hear the chunking of vegetables her sister was in the process of making while she talk to her.

"Adda I'm not fine at all, he has been calling all day."

"That isn't a problem habibty. Block him!" She spattered bitterly.


"Yes Haneesa you heard me right"

"Adda what are you doing please? What is going on over there? Why should I ignore him for God's sake? I love that man adda, he is my husband" she cried frustrated.

"Which dirty husband Haneesa?" Adda hissed venom leaking from her voice.

"Adda please!" She yelled unknowingly. "Oh My God! I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just- God please tell me what is going on?!"

"It's okay, I guess the pregnancy is just tiring you out. That's how it gets when your in your last stage"

"Please stop avoiding my question" she snapped annoyed.

"Haneesa you don't understand that man is nothing but a betrayer. He doesn't deserve you baby love"

Now her heart was pounding wildly against her chest, "What did he do this time?"

"His other wife has given birth to a baby girl" Adda confessed.

"But he has divorced her"

"Not anymore Haneesa.."

"Did he...?" She trailed off scared of her reply. Her body was trembling vigorously.

"Yes, he took her back wallahi!"

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now