Thirty seven🌸

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Who is that person that did Sallan dare for me to be updating frequently like this😂😂😂



Call it wife instincts or feeling but she can feel her husband is not dead as others claim him to be. She can practically hear his voice calling out to her to save him, to be okay for him and strong for their baby.
Regardless of how many ups and downs they've been through, she loves him more than her own life, she can't lose him.. Not now, not ever.

Opening her eyes slowly, she gapes at the white surrounding. Where could she be? She thought trying to sit up but it was impossible, it was as if a bag of rice was on top of her shoulders. They felt heavy and sore. She opened her mouth to call for help but nothing came out, she tried that for about six times but still nothing came out.

Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun!! Can't she talk again?!

As if on cue, the door to the bathroom opened and Adda Hayrah stepped out freshly bathed and dressed in a pink flowing gown. Her eye met Haneesa's eyes and she gasp running over to her

"Alhamdulilah you are awake baby love!! That's a scare you gave us there sweetheart please don't ever do that" she cried hugging her. She felt the hot moisture roll down her cheek as well, she missed her sister, she missed her family so much.

"Shh don't cry. How are you feeling?" Adda asked getting a grip of herself, she needs to be strong for her mother and sister. Haneesa opened her mouth to talk once again but nothing cane out, the tears increased.. Anxiety is getting the best of her. Is she dumb?

"What's wrong?" Adda panicked caressing her cheek. "Tell me how are you feeling? Are you feeling any pain?"

If only she knew I can't talk. No matter how hard I try my vocal cords aren't cooperating. She thought.

"Haneesa this is no time to joke wallah!! Talk to me fisabillilah, is there any pain there?" She cried putting her hand over her stomach and Haneesa quickly rub her hand over her lower abdomen, her baby! Ya Salaam, the only thing she has close to Ahmaad don't tell me it's gone.

"I should probably get the doctor, please stay strong okay?" And with that she sprinted out of the room panting heavily. She won't ever forget her self if anything is to happen to Haneesa.

" sister..p-please save her" she stammered dragging the doctor by her hand to the room.

"Calm down Ma, Insha Allah your sister will be fine. Please step out" the doctor said checking Haneesa's pulse

"Ma'am you need to step out please" the nurse said shaking a stiff Adda, when the nurse realized she made no effort of leaving room, she slowly dragged her and settled her on the silver chair outside the room..

"Pray for her" she advised patting her before returning to assist the doctor.

If you are to ask Hayrah how Maami and Hamid arrived at the hospital she can swear she doesn't know.

"Hayrah I have been calling your phone since but you didn't answer? What is wrong with you and why are you outside? Who is with Haneesa?!" Maami scold on reaching her.

"Babe what's wrong?" Hamid asked kneeling before his shattered wife, he could see right through her eye that she is slowly loosing hope and faith. He can't let that happen, he needs to be there for her by every step of the way, she is trying really hard to assure herself everything will be fine but it's hard.

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