Fifty six🌸

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Nigeria, Abuja.

Nagaji da garin turawanan wallahi.. 😂

Ko mu fa yanzu..

Let's get there shall we hun?




They both chorused loudly wrapping each other in a tight embrace. All the people present were giving them curious looks but they didn't seem to care, they missed each other so much.

"Maman en biyu.. Oh Allah! I missed you Haneesa, so much" Inbihaj said as they let go of each other. Haneesa was already crying, she used her hennaned hand to wipe away her tears before letting out a chuckle.

"Maman Asma, I missed you too so much. Look at you! SubhanaAllah you've added weight.. Tell me your pregnant, please" she pouted as they walk away from the guests gaze.

The house was a mess as guests troop in and out, relatives sprawled out relaxing and chattering about everything and nothing, kids roaming around, laughing and playing. Two henna artists that Maami hired were set to work applying henna on anyone who was interested all in the preparation of the upcoming naming ceremony.

"Which weight? and there is no baby oo, Asma is not even one yet fah" she laughed as they walk to her room which was surprisingly quiet cause all her cousins were in the backyard applying henna.

"Come on Inbiii, I'm sure Salman won't mind another princess maybe a prince this time around"

"Ahh nooo, thank you. If he is that eager he can get his self another wife, they are many girls out there" she joked removing her head tie and letting her hair flow from it's bun.

Haneesa gasped "I will give him that advice"

"Kaniyar ki" she joking said and they burst out into laugher.

"Ya hanya? (How was the journey?)"

"It wasn't that stressful seeing we came by plane, sha I am still exhausted Asma gave me hard time. That girl has been crying, I don't know why, maybe because of that short journey oho for her" she complained as the maid entered dropping a tray of cold drinks and water

"That reminds me, where is she? I missed her! I'm sure she is a big girl now"

"She is with Zubaina, as soon as we entered the house Zubaina ran off with Adda Hayrah claiming she wanted to see the twins" she said grabbing a bottle of chilled water.

"Oh! That reminds me, Maami has sent for me since to come and feed them" she face palmed her self and Inbihaj sent her a glare.

"And you are still here?! Ohh poor babies! Allah ya shirye ki Haneesa.."

"It's not my fault wallahi, I was trying to wash the dried up henna and when I was done I started chatting with Amtullah, then you came and I got caught up in another thing" she pouted.

"Come on let's go before they die from hunger.." She said grabbing her veil and draping it over her head as they walked to Maami's room where the babies were sleeping in their cot under her aunties supervision.

"Adda Haneeesaa" Zubaina jumped on her as they almost both fell on the ground.

"Ya Rabbil Aalameen! Zubaina you want to break my bones then you will rest in peace" she gasped hugging her back while Inbihaj proceeded to greet Maami and her friends.

"I'm sorry just that I missed you so much. Oh Adda Haneee see those cute precious angels you gave birth too.. MashaAllah sooo eatable!!" She cooed and everyone in the room laughed.

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