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Sorry for the long wait.. I came down with malaria😭😭


Nigeria, Duku town.
Haneesa's POV

         "Are we there yet?" I asked Ahmaad frustrated and tired from sitting in the car who in return squeezed my hand in an assuring manner.

"Almost there" he smiled and I groan, that's what he said an hour ago. I've slept and slept and slept, ate the snacks Abba bought for everyone, watched YouTube videos on my phone (when I got signal that is) and I've stirred uncomfortably in the seat placing my head on Ahmaad's shoulder, his lap or hugging his torso.. But still we haven't arrived at the so called Duku.

"Adda Haneesa is not used to travelling in a bus with such long distance" Zubaina laughed and I blush in embarrassment. (Daddy, Inbihaj's father in law joined us too. He was the one driving now cause Abba was tired, they exchanged positions)

"Sorry dear, we are almost there ai" mommy laughed while Ummah hissed loudly making everyone in the car keep shut.

"Sannu er gidan masu kudi..  (Well done, daughter of rich people) why then did you marry my son if you knew you won't be able to adjust to his life?" She snapped and Abba sent her a warning glare but that didn't stop her from humiliating me.

"Look we have arrived!!" Ahmaad said as I blink away my tears putting on a fake smile on my face, it's hurts so much wallahi.. I won't lie. Ahmaad kissed my forehead as if saying it would be okay but I know it won't be. She will never likeme, never!

     Inbihaj passes me a bottle of water and I thank her gulping the cold water, we pull over in a big gate that was called "FADA!" as two men open the gate.

"Sannu dazuwa" the both greeted as Abba hold his hand up as if thanking them, I turn to Ahmaad who was avoiding my gaze, tohh fahh! Isn't 'fada' palace?

It was a long drive from the gate to the main house and occasionally people dressed in guards uniform will squat (on the road I'm telling you) and greet 'welcome home' before Abba or Daddy will raise their hand for them to proceed. Wawwww!
warris happening here?

Daddy park the car in front of the huge mansion and we all got down saying Alhamdulilah and stretching. kai i think I broke a bone.. I have never driven for a long distance with a bus.

"Everyone should go to his room and rest, immediately after Maghreb prayers everyone should come down to the main living room where we will meet Hajiya" Abba said and everyone nod his heads, Rakiya opens her mouth to speak but keeps quiet and Abba laugh.

"Yes, food will be brought to everyone" he says and she smile in embarrassment.. Gaskia fah we no dey joke with food. everyone walks away to find his square root while I stay there looking for my husband who disappeared. Mstww doesn't he know I don't know anywhere to go to? Maids wearing Fulani attire and their calabashes on their heads give me weird looks while walking past me, they must be wondering why I am standing outside alone while everyone has left.

should i enter the house?

What if I get lost?

What if Ahmaad comes back looking for me?

I tap my feet impatiently on the floor, ugh there is a limit to everything ai, maybe he forgot he has a wife biko give the man a break! My subconscious spoke making me hiss annoyed. How can he forget?

"muje! (Lets go!)" A voice spoke and i gasp placing my hand on my chest scared. Subhannallah! Ahmaad gave me a weird look then starts walking while I follow him quietly.

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