Seventy six🌸

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My heart is just beating fast Kaman ana daka sakwara😂💔 toh bismillahi.. Ayi hakuri da ni fa.


Maami watched as the two bruised men sit with her on the gazebo panting heavily. If not that she decided to walk by the balcony and enjoy the breeze air, she wouldn't have witnessed Mukhtar trying to murder another person's child. She ran down quickly and after much efforts, the gateman was able to separate the two men. Now they sat down quietly with Maami giving Mukky a disappointed look.

"Mukhtar go and pray naa'fillah then you sleep" she informed and he sighed standing up, glaring at Ahmaad, he walked away leaving the son in law and mother in law alone.

"Maami I am sorry, I know Ane- Haneesa told you what happened but wallahi, if only she will hear me out then she will know I never wished for all this to happen. I know I haven't been the best husband but I try, I know I didn't give your daughter the life I promised her and I understand if you don't want me near her anymore. DanAllah ki yafe mun" he said smothering his forehead as the worry lines appear. he waited for her to say something, anything but when she didn't, he stood up.

"I'll take your leave now" He turned around and she called his name. "Na'aam"

"You hurt my daughter and I think you have broken her beyond repair but give her some days to cool down, InshaAllah she will come around."

"Thank you Maami" and with that he walked away broken, only one person is the cause of all his problems and that person is his mother.

Without hesitation, he picked up his phone and dialled a number. "Hello mutumina kwana biyu. (My guy long time)"

"Salman is Hajiya in Dukku or Gombe?" He asked instead and sensing his voice Salman was quick to ask what was wrong.

"I am doomed Salman, my life is ruined. She left and I have this strong feeling.. Very strong" he sighed parking the car in front of his empty house. "she is not coming back"


That night she didn't sleep, not even did her eyes attempt to close. She spent the night crying and thinking about her life and how she ended up here and the fact that Aslam kept rolling and crying made her more worried, she had to carry him in her arms and rock him around the room but to no avail, he kept crying. It wasn't until after she fed him that's when he went back to sleep.

She had just stepped her foot out of the bathroom after performing ablution for Fajr prayers when she met Aslam wide awake rubbing his small, chubby hands over his eyes. She sighed walking over to him and when her hands touched his body, she gasped. He was running a very high fever. Quickly pulling his overall off his body, she carried him and rushed out of the room to Maami's room where she was praying. She paced up and down holding her baby with her heart pounding in her chest.

"Haneesa are you okay? And why is he naked!?" Maami asked immediately after she concluded her prayers.

"Maami his body, I think he is sick" she handed him over and Maami gasped standing up quickly.

"We have to rush him to the hospital. innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun"

It happened in a blink of an eye, one minute Haneesa was rushing to the boys quarters to call Raliya so she will stay with Aslaha and the other minute she was in the backseat with Maami beside her as Ya Mukky drove to the hospital.

Tears were rolling down her eyes as she held her baby boy close to her chest hugging him. He was now crying and his breathing was coming out in shallow breaths, she watched as his chest rise up and down.

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