Sixty five🌸

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Gombe, Dukku town.


By three thirty pm, Haneesa had managed to help Ahmaad dress up in a cream Kaftan with Zanna Bukar cap perched on his head after much difficulty, she had to pour cold water on his body before he sprinted out of the bed stomping his feet and whining saying he is so sleepy. She fed him his lunch seeing he missed lunch with the family members and after flirting here and there, stealing kisses he finally let her be to dress the twins.

With the help of Hasiba, they bathed them and dressed them in their cute outfits. Aslaha was wearing a bright pink dress and white pantyhose and whit headband on her silky, soft hair. While Aslam on the other hand was wearing a black jeans and red shirt, they looked so adorable. Haneesa even went to the extent of finishing his touch with a black bow which he kept pulling until she kept him busy by pushing his sucker in his mouth.

"MaashaAlalh they look so adorable" Hasiba gushed wrapping Aslaha in her flannel.

"MaashaAllah. Thank you" she beamed feeling a wave of happiness and joy spread in her body. So this is what Adda Hayrah felt every time she laid her eyes on the twins. This is the feeling she gets when Haadiya and Bahiyaa dress up in an outfit she bought with her last penny. The feeling is amazing.

"I will keep them busy, besides Aslaha looks like she will sleep anytime soon. You can quickly dress up.." Hasiba said rocking the baby in her hand and Haneesa sigh nodding her head. Aslaha wasn't the problem rather Aslam is, she he notice that neither Haneesa nor Ahmaad is close he starts to bawl his little eyes out. He is not a fan of new people crowding over him.

Handing him a cradle which he kept attempting to hold in his grip, she smiled and ran to the bathroom to take a bathe. She was so exhausted, who said taking care of twins is easy? Who said organizing a wedding is easy at all?

By the time she stepped out from the bathroom Aslam was crying really hard she wished there is a way she can push him back inside her womb. Hasiba was trying her best to pacify him but he didn't hear any of it.

"I'm ignoring you and don't you dare look at me until I am all dressed up.." She pouted grabbing her black and sky blue eight piece blouse and skirt. It was their first anko with Inbihaj, they have up to seven clothes to slay before they leave Dukku.

"Aunty Haneesa just take your child before he alerts all the people in the palace, they will think I am punishing him" Hasiba said when she sat on the bed ready to rub her body with her body shop cream.

Groaning, she moved forward to collect him before feeding him. A knock on the door jolted her out of her staring competition with Aslam and Hasiba opened it to reveal Inbihaj with Ajma. She was already dressed in her anko and her makeup and scarf is on point.

"You're not ready yet?! The guests have arrived" Inbihaj gasped handing Ajma to Hasiba. She was dressed in a black dress with matching black shoes, her hair was packed in a cute ponytail making her look so pretty and adorable.

How was she going to tell her that Ummah delayed her? Earlier when she went to her room to help her dress up on Hajiya's command, she saw Ummah on the verge of losing it breaking her perfumes into pieces. She had shivered and tried to calm her down but she sent her of her room only to call her back ten minutes later when she was calm, she ordered her to clean the broken glass (even though she can ask a maid to do that) after then she urged her to iron her clothes with charcoal iron which burnt her finger several time (she has never used one of those but who is she to complain) it took her a while before she ironed it and when she took it to Ummah she had already changed her mind and was dressed in her black iro and buba with silver accessories ad lining. She almost cried from frustration but decided on it.

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