Fifty four🌸

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I couldn't fulfil my promise,

Something gnawed in me today.. It was guilt😩 I was like, 'haba Ammah you must update today kam! No laziness! Nothing, nothing!!!' So here I am...



Teemah glance at the envelope before her, she was elated.. Beyond happy.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looking up she met her mother's glossy eyes; wrapping her hands around her she let herself break down.

"Fatimatu why are you crying? Don't you want this? Isn't this what you have been wishing for all your life?" Her mother asked concerned.

"Yes Mama, this is everything I wanted.." She wept.

"Then why are you crying my dear?"

"Mama it is just so, so.. Surreal. I mean all my life I had one aim, to be a successful lawyer and I did it by Allah's grace" she hiccupped

"Mama I am finally freeing you from embarrassment of having keeping a daughter who is still unmarried at the age of twenty six when the society expected me to be married by eighteen or so"

"Oh ya Allah! Who told you I care about what the society thinks Fatima? If I cared do you think I will be where I am now? Or do you think your father and I would have let you be a lawyer?" She questioned "We don't and what matters is you're happy and you are doing the right thing, society doesn't matter they can all die for all we care. If our princess is happy then we are"

"I love you Mama, thank you for your abundant support"

"I love you too Fatima sarauniyar Mukhtar" she teased making her blush.

"Maaamaaa. We are not even married! He just proposed!!!!" She whined.

"Whatever" her mother pushed away exiting her room. When the door jammed, she laid on her bed properly and opened the letter to read for the hundredth time.

She couldn't get enough of the letter, and every time she read it her heart will skip in her chest and butterflies will fill her stomach.

She loved that feeling,

She loves what Mukhtar is making her do and she loves how cheesy and thoughtful he is.

A wide grin broke on her chapped lips as she read once again;

"Once the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sitting in the room with Aisha (RA) and fixing his shoes. It was very warm and Aisha looked to his blessed forehead and noticed that there were beads of sweats on it. She became overwhelmed by the majesty of that sight and was staring at him long enough for him to notice.

He said, "what's the matter?" she replied, "If Abu Bukair Al-Huthali, the poet, saw you he would know that his poem was written for you."

The prophet (pbuh) asked, "what did he say?" She replied, "Abu Bukair said if you looked to the majesty of the moons, it twinkles and lights to up the world for everybody to see"

So the prophet (pbuh) got up, walked to Aisha, kissed her between her eyes and said, "wallahi ya Aisha you are like that to me and much more"

Dear Fatimah,

if only you will accept my proposal then I promise to be a good and caring husband as the prophet was to Aisha, I will not promise you a drama free and luxurious wife ya Fatima but I promise you a comfortable life full of happiness and love.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now