Seventy four🌸

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He watched as she slowly sat on the bed after little effort, finally resting her head on the headboard, she closed her eyes before breathing in and out slowly.

Moving away from her view, he walked to the bathroom and arranged a bath for her before bringing out her lilac silk night dress, a black cap and some fresh under wares. He placed everything on the bed before moving to where she was laying down.

"Anee come, the bath is ready" he tenderly whispered taking her hand in his and she groaned turning away from him.

"I'm tired" she mumbled

"I know baby but you need to shower"

"No I don't"

He sighed, "You've been in the hospital for a week, you need to shower and remove the hospital germs"

"No" she mumbled leaving him with no choice but to carry her in his arms. She gasped, "Haba Ahmaad!!"

"Trust me, you will thank me later"

"No I won't" she rolled her eyes sleepily before allowing him to help her take her bath. He tied her loose, wet hair in a bun before handing her a dark red towel to wrap around her body.

"I am not rubbing any lotion, please baby I don't have that energy" she pouted when he held her strawberry body shop lotion in his hand, he sighed.

"That's why I'm here Anee" he gently picked her hand in his before rubbing her body carefully and affectionately. He proceeded to help her with some deodorant but she glared at him so he stepped back and watch her angrily finish her business.

"Now.. You can sleep" he smiled wearing the cap for her.

"My hair will smell, it's wet"

"I'll wash it for you tomorrow InshaAllah. Now lay down and wait for me, I'll be right back" he instruct walking to the kitchen where he grabbed a cup of warm water, he walked back to the room only to find her dozing off. She will kill him if he wakes her up again but he has to, she needs to take her drugs.

"Anee.." He called sitting beside her as he fetched the drugs in his hand. "Please sit up and take your drugs and after that I promise I won't disturb you."

"Haba Ahmaad!! Leave me alone!!"

"Your drugs.."

"I'll take them when I wake up."

"Okay fine, but just know if you don't take your drugs you won't get well soon and if you don't feel much more better the twins will stay with Adda Hayrah for a long time.. And-"

"No! I'm up. Hand me the drugs" she cut him off sitting quickly making him to smirk.

"Good girl" he kissed her cheek dropping the cup on the bedside table. He dressed for the night before switching off the lights and laying beside her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, she snuggled closer into his body as if somehow their bodies will mould together and turn into one soul. He tenderly rubbed his hand on her back sighing contentedly.

Just thinking about the fact that he almost lost her makes his heart fall in the pit of his stomach.

"Ahmaad." She called and he hmm-ed. "when are the twins coming home? Please bring back my babies, I miss them"

"Soon InshaAllah, I miss them too but you heard what the doctor said right? You need all the rest you can get and I promise you the kids are alright, Adda Hayrah is with them."

"I know but I swear I feel better.."

He sighed "Haneesa" he called sternly, she shifted uncomfortably on the bed. She can't even remember the last time he called her by her name.

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