Forty one🌸 bonus chapter II.

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Bonus chapters to cover up for leaving y'all hanging😩♥

R E C A P:

"Zubaina call Burdah please, I'm having this need to talk to her"

"Her phone hasn't been reachable but let me try her sister's line" she said unlocking her phone and calling Adda Hayri. They talk for a while exchanging greetings before she asked for Haneesa.

"I'm afraid she will be gone for a while" she said and Zubaina asked what she meant.

"Sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier but Haneesa has left for the states"



"Ahmadudu get off me!"


"Amdidi now"

"I want my morning kiss first" he said rather stubbornly

"But I already told you no morning kiss for you"

"Why!?" He screeched.

"Because that's your punishment for last night." she rolled her eyes thinking about the turns of event last night.


"But nothing! Now let me go"

"Anee please just one kiss"


"Stop calling me that"

"Ahmadududu!!" She teased.

"Ugh, you make me sound old"


"I'll tickle you if you call me again"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Try me and see"

"Ahmadu" she called and he did as warned. She was out of breath, laughing uncontrollably as tears stream down her face begging him to stop.

"Only if you will give me a kiss" he bribed and she nod her head making him surrender. After getting herself in place she took him aback by pushing him and running away leaving him running after her.

"Ma'am!" "Excuse me Ma'am!!"

Her eyes quickly flip open. Who is this blonde haired woman?! and what is she doing in her home?

"Sorry for disturbing you but we will be landing soon, I need you to strap your seatbelt please!"

That is when it all dawned on her.

It was a dream. Ahmaad isn't here, he is not chasing after her demanding for a kiss instead he is back in Nigeria, in a hospital in Kaduna state.

"Sure" she replied to the air hostess who gave her a smile before wandering off to do her job.

Haneesa chocked on her spit watching out the window, she has finally escaped all the nightmares that has been haunting her back at home but she can't stop her heart for beating for Ahmaad and she certainly can't stop thinking about him.



"Mubarak don't forget who your talking to" Adda Safiya said sternly.

"I'm sorry okay but please what is Maa saying?" He asked not believing a word she is saying.

"She is saying Amtullah is gone" she replied her voice low as she felt for her brother.

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