Thirty eight🌸

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Some people don't like the fact that I am updating frequently😏 oya na maybe I should take a longggggg break😞🙌

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Most of us have been in a situation where we were rendered speechless, maybe due to shock, often when we receive bad new or have strong emotions ant that leads to us not able to utter a word" the doctor explained taking a pause before she continues

"I am afraid that's what happened to Haneesa. Due to shock, it affected her vocal cords which is why she is not able to speak. Some think it is a disability but rather it is because of anxiety within a social context"

"From Allah we are to to him we shall return" was the only thing they could bring their selves to say.

"But will she be able to talk? I mean it's just a phrase right?" Hamid asked hands on his wife's shoulder as he tower over her. Her and Maami were seated on the chair opposite the doctor while he stood behind Hayrah.

"It usually lasts for a month but if we start treatment early she should be fine in three weeks time at most"

"What are you waiting for? Start the treatment now, please" Adda cried while Hamid tightened his grip around her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I believe that's not my job rather the psychologist"

"Then call her"

"She'll be here soon, I just want to go through the treatments solution to you so that when she arrives, she will just get to work" she replied calmly.

"There are several behavioral therapies that psychologist can use but the best two are; Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or Behavioral Therapy (BT)"

"Which one do you suggest we go for doctor?" Maami asked scared, scared for her baby and what the future awaits for her.

"I suggest we go for BT, it's better. Besides we will be giving her anxiety drugs hopefully she'll be able to talk soon, for now she shouldn't try talking we are monitoring her vocals, maybe after three days or so then she can try talking"

"Thanks a lot doctor" Hamid feigned a smile as he help his wife up so the could exit her office.

"It's my duty and if you don't mind may I give you one good advice, although it's personal. I don't want to intrude but I just have to say this"


"You should be strong for her and let's not talk to her about her baby right now remember the delivery can come with complications, she is not yet passed her first trimester and things are just not taking a good turn"

"Thank you for the advice, we will keep that in mind" and with that he dragged Hayrah at our the room who was shocked to move a muscle.

"Hamid why us?" She cried burying her face in his chest. "First daddy left, then Ahmaad went missing, Haneesa can't talk and now your telling me maybe her baby won't make it?"

"Shh habibity don't cry, you have to be strong" he said. caressing her back.

"Ya Allah why always us?" She cried pulling away from his chest.

"Because he loves us, remember the saying, 'when Allah SWT loves his servant, he tests him'" he remind and she muttered and astaghfirullah.

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now