Chapter seven🌸

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Dedicated to @Mss_Gujbawu and @Zeeman0 for being crazy and cracking me up😂😂 you both are something else Allah❤❤



"Bread and Nutella or Bread and Dairy milk?" I asked Ya Mukky who was sitting on the couch going through my phone while I was by the dinning table making us brunch.

"Um, both" he grinned with his messy hair and dark circled eyes focusing his attention back on my phone.

"Keh Haneesa who is Mr Handsome?" He asked cocking his eyebrows and I dropped the slice of bread in my hand on the floor.

"La Haulah! I thought we agreed on you not reading any of my chats" I breath angrily walking to him.

"Answer my question or I seize the phone" he said his over protective brother face on.

"I can't have my phone seized again. Please don't" I literally beg

"Then tell me who he is"

"He is one guy"

"Mstew, Zan pasa wayan nan fah and nothing will happen" he threatened and I know he is dead serious. Trust me he has done worst in the past.

"Okay I'll tell you wallahi, he is an employee in Daddy's office and he came home for dinner one day that's when we exchanged numbers" I say half the truth.

"Is that all?"


"Haneesa wallahi if you lie and I find out it won't be funny" he said not believing me and I slumped on the couch.

"I firstly met him on the road when I was involved in a mini accident with him but back then I didn't know his name" I mumbled

"Are you guys dating?"

"No! Kai Ya Mukky, I barely know him dai and for Goodness sake I met the guy only once"

"Hmm.. Don't let it turn to something serious until I approve of him. Now get my food, I'm hungryyyy"

"Naji" I snatch my phone walking back to the dinning table where I finished spreading both the melted diary milk and Nutella on the bread and we ate making small talks before his phone rings.

"Ohhh who is it?" He asked in frustration as I check the ID for him.

"Bitch two" I smiled pitiful feeling bad for who ever the girl is cause it so sad that she fell into Ya Mukky's trap. Never fall for the Goddamn looks of his.. Aswear you will regret it!

"Lol, block her" he said standing up "I'm off to bed and no one should disturb me, no matter who calls don't bring it to me. Answer if you like say I'm sleeping" he gave orders like he is the boss of me without waiting for my reply he walked away.

Tashin sense!

I couldn't bear seeing a girl so heartbroken so I saved her number in my phone and blocked her from Ya Mukky's phone with the intention of texting her later to apologize on his behalf.

Ya Allah! may he mend his ways soon!!

*** ***

"Haneesa and Mukhtar wallahi take good care of my kids. If I happen to come back and find even a scratch on their body both of you will have to hear from me" Adda Hayrah warn as the twins jump up and down dancing along to the theme song of sofia the first.

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