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Who is surprised? Cause I am😂💕

Haneesa's POV

I open my eyes slowly to see a moving figure, my body felt numb. My heart is pounding really fast. What is happening to me this days? I'm I hallucinating? Or is that Ahmaad sleep walking.

It's been four days since the incident. I fainted only to wake up to come in contact with a worried Hajiya and crying Zubaina, Nabila kept fuming with rage, she consoled me and promised to stand up for me if my so called husband won't. I was glad, I really am__finally someone who likes me, even though I have them Zubaina and co, it feels nice to have someone else by your side.

Ahmaad changed drastically, he neither spare me a glance nor talk to me. When it's his turn to sleep with me, he will sleep on the couch and ignore me. Sometimes I feel like he is under a spell__as if he is charmed. Astaghfirullah.

"Ahmaad?!" I gasp sitting up, I was panting heavily. A scared uncertain feeling settled in the pit of my stomach__ya Allahu.

He kept moving towards me as my wobbly legs stand on their own, before I knew it his lips were on mine. The kiss was rough and passionate as he nibbled on my lower lip. I try to push him away but he is stronger than me, much more stronger than usual.

"Ahmaad DanAllah leave me" I cried as he came for breath, I moved backwards and my back came in contact with the wall. Ya Salaam, there is no way out.

"Don't test my patience" he growled.

"Ahmaad I am still weak, please let me be.." My body is trembling, this is the side of Ahmaad that I have never seen in life until today. Bile rose in my throat, but I managed to collect myself together. Vomiting makes me weak..

"Haneesa give me my right!!" He growled trying to undress me.

"Please leave me alone"

"If you don't give me what I want wallahi I will divorce you."

I gasped loudly, putting my hand over my mouth to control my sobs. This isn't the man I married. Where is the man I married?! He starts to touch me and I didn't protest until I felt like puking my guts out, of course he ignored me, my head starts throbbing. I yelled and yelled but he didn't stop, the pain down there is unbearable. I can't do this anymore. I feel exhausted. I feel used. I feel disgusted.

Ya Rabb save me.

He left me there__after he quenched his desire, he left not caring that I was crying in pain, or that I was throwing up right there in the room and everything was becoming blurry slowly.


I stepped out from the bathroom washed and cleaned, Hajiya is still giving me the questioning look but I ignored her.

It's Fajr time and Hajiya came to wake me up only to find me in the ground__whether alive or dead I don't even know. she kept asking if I was okay since she probably found me half naked and covered in vomit. Eww.

"Let's pray" she spoke after a while and I nod my head wearing my Hijab. I prolonged my sujood asking Allah to lighten Daddy's grave, to ease my heart and make my affairs easy.

"Tell me, what happened Burdah?" Hajiya asked as I concluded my adhkars. I wept profusely burying my face in Hajiya's lap.

"Hajiya I can't tell you but please help me, talk to Ahmaad for me. Ask him if I've wronged him, help me please."

"As long as I am alive I will try my very best to help you Burdah, I am trying, I really am my dear"

"Thank you Hajiya, Allah ya bar mun keh"

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