Fifty one🌸

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Assalam Alaikum..

I haven't been replying to all your beautiful comments lately but Insha Allah I'll reply soon. I see each and everyone of you and I appreciate it so much! Jazakallah!

Let's round this up alright...😞


The plane landed swiftly after long sixteen hours of sitting in the plane. Though Mukhtar booked a business class for Maami and Adda Hayrah, the couldn't help but feel rather very much uncomfortable and restless.

Each and every muscle of their body hurt, they didn't stop for any transit instead they flew directly to the states. They were eager to be by their baby love side.

Adda Hayrah stopped a cab for them and showed the driver the address Fareeda sent her before they boarded. Nodding his head at her, she retrieved her phone and dropped it in her handbag.

"How many minutes will it take?" Maami asked impatiently.

"Forty minutes, the hospital is far from the airport" she replied taking her mother's hand in her cold ones.

"InshaAllah she will be safe Maami" she consoled and her mother gave her a shaky smile. She wished so too.

It was the longest forty minutes of their life but at last they arrived. Adda paid the driver as he help them drop their luggage before the hospital and zoom off.

"Call Fareeda" Maami ordered.

"I just connected to their WiFi, I will send her a text. Remember we don't have a sim yet" she replied trying to contact Fareeda who said she will be out in five minutes.

"Assalam Alaikum you must be Hayrah" a man who exited the hospital said.

"Walaikum Salaam. Yes!"

"I am Al-Amin, Fareeda's husband. Welcome, how was your trip? Good morning Ma'am" he greet Maami who gave him a grateful smile.

"It was steady, Alhamdulilah"

"I will just keep your luggage in my car, please wait for me in the reception, I will be right back to direct you to Haneesa" he inform and they nod their heads thanking him.

After a short while, he returned and directed them the third floor where the ICU was. They spotted a heavily pregnant woman who was pacing up and down the waiting area and they immediately recognized her as Fareeda.

They exchanged pleasantries and without beating around the bush more, they inquired about Haneesa's health.

"The doctor came out a while ago, she is under control now but she has been in labour since yesterday. They might have to induce her" she said dreadfully.

"Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun." The chant shocked.

"Can we see her?"

"They were just about to move her to another room, the nurse said when she is checked in she would call for us"

"Oh okay. Thank you for everything Fareeda, we appreciate it so much. May Allah pay and bless you for your hard work and assistance" adda Hayrah said hugging her.

"Amiin, Amiin. No need to thank me, Haneesa is just like my sister"

"I think we should get you home babe, you have been here for a while and your starting to zone out" Al-amin said placing his hands on his wife's shoulders.

"I am fine, no need to worry. I won't leave until I meet Haneesa" she said stubbornly.

"Don't do this to yourself and your child Fareeda, go home and rest please" Maami chirped in.

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