Fifty seven🌸

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For my beloved, pretty, Wattpad freak friend😂 sweetheart this is for you❤❤ you know yourself...or not😉!



He watched her every move, she was crouched on the floor as she served him a plate of Kabsa (Arabian Jollof) and chicken salad. Her eyes were trained on the many dishes as she carefully proceeded to serve him the chilled hibiscus drink into a tumbler.

"It's okay.." He said seeing as she was about to serve him more of the pasta bake. She didn't say a word to him, she didn't even spare him a glance as she closed the lid of the food flask and handed him the plate of food.

Their fingers brushed slightly and she quickly retrieved her hand as if the touch burned her.

His heart yearned for her but as she moved to sit on the other couch far from him he sighed and ate his food.

All this while as he ate, her eyes were trained on her hands as she fidget with her ring. She refused to look at him, she was scared she would forget everything and lunge herself on him and that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"Hajiya and Abba send their warmest regards.." He finally broke the silence as he dropped his half eaten food. He lost his appetite.

"Okay" she replied still not looking up.

"Abba cut two cows for the twins, as I am speaking now InshaAllah Salman is outside supervising the barbeque" he tried to make a conversation.

"Allah Sarki, I'd keep it in mind to call him later and thank him"

He sighed, all this awkwardness was too much for him to bare. He just wanted to move forward and embrace his wife in a hug and shower her with kisses.

"Anee, I'm-" he was caught off when the door to the living room opened and Amtullah walked in, she was holding little Haneesa while Rakiya was holding little Ahmaad.

"Assalam Alaikum, sorry to intrude but they are hungry.." Amtullah said after exchanging pleasantries with Ahmaad. Haneesa nod her head and collected the twins while struggling to hold both of them carefully, Amtullah whispered something in her ear which made Haneesa pout before the left them alone with their kids.

"Urrm...please can you help me hold one of them and maybe unzip my dress?" Haneesa asked after much struggling. He laughed, he has been waiting for her to ask for help but she is too stubborn.

He stood up from where he was sitting and moved to the three sitter couch she was sitting on. He carefully let down her zipper while intentionally letting hid hand trail down her back, she shivered.

"You look beautiful Anee.." He whispered in her ear and ignored him.

"Please don't drop my child" she said worriedly seeing how he was trying to steady little Ahmaad in his hand.

He look away from the beauty of his child and sent her a glare, "you mean our child" he corrected.

"What type of father wouldn't be there during the delivery of his child?!" She hissed.


"People are waiting to hear their names, it's okay if you don't have anything in mind. I can name them myself" she caught him off rudely.

"Abubakar Aslam Ahmaad" he said into his ear before reciting dua's into the child's ear.

Her eyes well up with tears and soon they were streaming down her face. She watched him in shock and he sent her his killer smile while nudging closer to her

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