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Hihihi (I am laughing in Chinese😂) gotcha yaaaaaa😝😝 Eid Mubarak lovelies❤❤ May Allah keep us alive to see the next Ramadan (Ameen🙏) now, now everyone should eat and eat until they can no longer stand up😆😆 anyways here's a little something for you.. I know I am such a sweetheart😻😪 enjoyyyy💕


Gombe, Duku town.

"Ummah what did this poor soul ever do to you? Ummah what has my wife ever done to you?! There is a limit to everything mother, haba what has she done to deserve that slap?" Ahmaad said pacing up and down while I was still in my last position crying, Munayarh who came in with Ahmaad to greet Ummah was smirking with her black fitted dress clinging onto her body tightly. Pft! If it's me he would say I should wear a bigger veil but cause it is Munayarh er gold he would let her go out anyhow.

"Haidar!! Are you shouting at me?! How dare you? Are you the one that gave birth to me or the other way round" she yelled and he stopped falling on his knees in front of her

"No Ummah, I am sorry I didn't know what came over me"

"Be careful what you do.. don't let me start raining curses on you, You know a mother's tongue it will surely follow you"

"Inalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. Ummah DanAllah kiyi hakuri"

"Stay in your limits and watch what you say and you this girl.." She said turning her attention to me.

"Stand up and leave my sight, you don't belong here. You don't even belong in my son's heart seff stand up and pack your load and leave!"

"Ummah she is my wife"

"Shut up you stupid boy! Be sitting here and claiming she is your wife when she has bewitched you.. Your mother is still alive don't worry my dear son I will save you from witches like her"

"Baby let's go we will come back later, as you can see Ummah is busy" Munayarh said throwing her self on Ahmaad who made no attempt to stop her, I quickly look away standing up and leaving the room

"Burdah?" Hajiya calls but I walk past her running to my room and slumping on the bed.

"Meya Faru? (What happened?)" She asked entering my room

"Hajiya na gaji! (I am tired!) I am fed up of everything! I want to go back home, what is the use of me staying here anymore?! I stayed because of one reason.. Because of my husband and now he is also not helping matters. Haba which kind of fool is he? He will stand there and watch his mother slap me and say nothing.. He will get all touchy with Munayarh in front of me! I am not saying he shouldn't touch her, he has every right to touch her, she is his wife but DanAllah why do they have to do it in front of me? It hurts so bad Allah. I am tired, I can't do this anymore" I cried while she muttered dua's under her breathe telling me to hold back just a little bit longer.

"Ssh.. Stand up and wash up. I will go and meet Bilkisu my self"

"What's the point Hajiya? She will never like me and if you go and talk to her it will only make matters worse. She will hate on me more thinking I am sending you to her. Just let it be kawai!"

"Then what do you want me to do? I should sit on my hands and watch you cry and get hurt every day of your marriage life? No Burdah.. You are an amanah (promise) to us from your parents.. I can't let that happen as long as I am alive. Now I will go and talk you here and that your good for nothing husband. Stand up and I don't want to see you crying, go and pray my daughter.. In Shaa Allah everything will be fine. Maa'asallam."

*** ***

I step out from the bathroom dressed in a red wine night dress (mstw Inbihaj is such a pest but a darling.. According to her the way to a man's heart is through making love and it's right for a sex freak like Ahmaad).

Ahmaad watch my every move eye raping me while I remove my earrings and keep them safe. It's been a day since the slap incident and he didn't even bother to show up an apologize to me. Today is my night, he will sleep two days with Munayarh and two days with me and since he came inside the room he freshened up and sat on the bed watching me without uttering a single word.

"Subhannallah"I whispered when he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall, he was breathing heavily on me too close that I could persevere his minty breath.

"I am sorry baby" he said covering me with kisses making my knees go weak.

"Ahmaad- le-t" I stammered out of words.

"Anee please forgive me.. I know I've caused nothing but pain in your life but wallahi that's not my intention, you know that ai. Baby I am so sorry, I love you fisabillilah I understand if you don't feel for me anymore but please try to understand things from my own perspective" he cried as his tears mingle with mine.

"Ahmaad why is Ummah doing this us?" I said wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I don't know baby but it will be fine"

"Ahmaad it hurts here, I can't share you with another woman please tell me it's all a bad dream" I said using my index finger to point at my heart and he kiss the place slowly.

"There is nothing I can do to change the fact that I've married Munayarh.. I promise you I don't love her it's you and only you I love and nothing happened between us" he said and I entangle myself from him moving towards the bed.

"What happened?" He asked following me and I flash him a fake tight lipped smile.

"Why did you lie to me? Why Ahmaad? Why didn't you tell me your mother was against our wedding? There is this part of me that hates you for lying to me habibty and I fight so hard to make that love you but it won't budge. Zawjaty.. Mi amor tell me why you lied!" I said looking at him dead in the eyes and guiltiness take over his face.

"I am sorry Anee, I swear I thought she would like you when we get married but I never knew her hatred for you is this much! Please forgive me" he said moving forward and I move backwards scared of him.. Where is the Ahmaad I married? The guy that who never hides anything from me?

"What else do I need to know before it's too late? Don't lie to me tell me what I don't know. I hate lies but you seem to love them Ahmaad, you lied about your mother liking me and then marrying another wife.. I know you knew all along but didn't tell me now tell me everything I don't know!" I yelled in frustration as tears keep rolling down my cheek.

"I-i" he stammered

"You what?!"

"I am a prince Haneesa" he said my name feeling so foreign in his mouth. To say I am shocked would be an understatement, I've thought about this place looking like a palace countless times but I didn't let my imagination get the best of me.

"Love of my life.." He said reaching to touch me and I hold my hands up for him to stay away from me.

"Leave me" I breathe running out of the room banging into Hajiya's room where she was sitting on the prayer mat.

I hate you Ahmaad Haidar! I hate you.

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