Sixty two🌸

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Haneesa rush to open the door while holding Aslaha in her hand, she let out a loud shrill before jumping on the visitor and baby Aslaha starts crying.

"Oh My God! we startled her!" Inbihaj cooed moving inside the house as she dropped the food flask she was holding on the dinning table. She turned around and collected Aslaha while Haneesa rush to get Aslam, she left him on the bed playing with a rattle.

"Where is Ajma? Don't tell me you left her at home. With who though?" Haneesa asked as they slump on the couch.

"She is in Ummah's side with mommy and her nanny, I got her one wallahi, do you know how stressful it is taking care of a child and having to cook three meals a day like every single day!" She sighed placing Aslaha on her shoulder and rocking her.

"Tell me about it. I have two babies to take care of.. Actually make that three, plus Ahmaad"

They laughed heartily, "You need to get a nanny Hanee, you can't handle it all alone" she advice.

"I will talk to Ahmaad about it besides Nabiila won't be going back to Abuja with me.. I'm on my own" she sigh bending down to pick the rattle Aslam dropped on the floor.

"You need a helping hand.."

"And I also need food, i'm hungry. What did you bring for me?" She asked opening the food flask only to come in contact with fried Basmati rice and shredded meat.

"help yourself and come here quick, I heard something happened between you and Sadiya yesterday night. Come and tell me all about it" Inbihaj replied instead trying to steady both kids in her hand. She wonders how Haneesa holds them together so casually as if it's an easy task.

"You want to drop my kids on the floor Inbiii" she laughed collecting Aslam and placing him on her lap.

"It's so hard holding the two of them at once" she whine. "Now tell me what actually happened between you and Sadiya"

"How do you even know?"

"You know Sadiya and Maryama are sisters right? So their mother, Inna Naana slept at my house yesterday. She is Hajiya's daughter. So we were sitting together talking when she got a call from Sadiya, she was crying hysterically saying ya Haidar's wife insulted her. Inna excused herself and then... Bam! I didn't hear the full gist..." She rambled, "but this morning I heard Mommy trying to calm Inna down and telling her that it might be a misunderstanding but she wasn't having any of it. She said she will meet Ummah personally and have a word with her. All I know is that there will be a bomb blast this wedding. I mean Inna always loves drama, so I don't blame her daughters. They got it from their mother" she shrugged making Haneesa to pause and drop her food of plate on the center table.

"So you mean like I am in trouble with Ummah?"

"Oh Habibty, don't worry nothing bad will happen InshaAllah. What on earth did you even tell Sadiya?"

Haneesa told her everything that transpired between them and Inbihaj listened attentively, "serves her right! I don't like both of them daman. and that Sadiya she is Zubaina's age mate oo but she thinks we are her mate. She deserves it"

"Inbihaj na Shiga uku! (I am in trouble) Ummah will kill me" she panicked

"Haba Haneesa don't think negatively. Pray to Allah about this matter and InshaAllah khair"

"I hope so"

"And that Maryama! So she can open her dirty mouth to call someone ugly?" Inbihaj laughed wickedly. "Her first husband divorced her cause of how ugly she is. He divorced her two weeks after their wedding"

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