Chapter three🌸

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"Maami where do I keep this?" Haneesa asked stepping out from the kitchen with a tray of chicken koftas. She was elegantly dressed in a peplone blue lace that brought out her curves and a light makeup on the face. Her father's visitors were coming and Maami must have went a little overboard making sure everything was perfect. . . she had a deal with Haneesa that if she was on her very best behavior during dinner she would give her back her devices and she would do anything to get them back.

"Oh that, I almost forgot. Bring it here" she replied collecting the tray of the beautiful amazing sticks of chicken and laying it on the dinning table.

"They are here!" Haneesa yell when a car drive in their porch. She recognized her father's car and a car behind him and she silently prayed for the dinner to be over already so she would get her phone back.

"Go and open the door" her mother urged.

"Assalam Alaikum"

"Daddy welcome home" she hugged and he smile

"Princess how are you?"


"Did she give you back your phone?"

"Not yet" she sigh and he laugh. His better half was a very strict woman that he knows but never went against cause the morals and values she entail into their children was of high standard and integrity.

"I'll freshen up and join you all, welcome the guests" he said and she nod her head watching him walk away. After about three minute, they entered her brother in law, Ya Hamid in the lead. Then a guy who they introduced as Mubarak and a man dressed in a sky blue Kaftan - wait she knows this guy, but where? He looks utterly familiar but she couldn't put a pin on where she has met him.

"Do you often zone out like that miss?" He asked and it clicked in her head.

"You!" She yelled surprise making all attention turn to them.


"Haneesa lafia?" Maami asked sending me a warning glare.

"Y-Yes Maami" I answered.. Oh God I need to get my phone back so no mischiefs. I quickly walk to the kitchen with the excuse of getting more water. I just embarrassed my self in front of Mr Handsome and Mubarak.. Geez!

In case you didn't get the gist. . . I JUST FLIPPING EMBARRASSED MYSELF! After making a quick mental note to keep my distance from Mr Handsome (cause it sure as hell looks like I only embarrass my self when I'm around him) I walked back to the Dinning table and thank God Daddy was engaged in a conversation about work with him. (Saviour)

"Where is the water?" Maami asked rolling her eyes making all eyes turn to me. Shit! I forgot.

"Daman karyan ki baya Sallah." she add and at that moment I wish Malaikal Maut will dive in from wherever he is coming from and take my life, too much embarrassment for me to handle.


"Maaaaami  it's not like that"

"Haneesa don't test my patience, Go go your room!" She command. See the disadvantages of having a strict Nigerian mother.. (Oh ni dai na shigesu)

"Maami please leave her, she won't repeat herself. Koo?" Ya Hamid talk while Mubarak and Mr Handsome decide to look at us curiously.

'Mstew.. Now who told them this is an episode of Garfield that they are watching with full attention?!' No I didn't voice out my thoughts but in my head I've mentally scolded them both and they are on the verge of tears.

Don't mind me.

"Do you think if I went easy on your wife she would have been the perfect soulmate she is now?" Maami shot at him and he nervously laughed.

"Never interface" Daddy whispered to him and we all laugh at him, yes including Maami.

I tell you that woman is full of wonders, this minute she is scolding you and the next she is joking with you. We eat dinner  laughing and cracking joke but you know the funny part, I never found out Mr handsome's name even though he kept flashing me his million dollar smile.

"Maami will you give me my phone back now? I promise I've been on my best behavior you can ask all of them" I pout and they all laugh at me.

"Naji. It's in my wardrobe go and carry it before I change my mind"

"Thank youuuu" I squeal running to carry my phone. I pick my old dear IPhone seven plus, I'll carry the rest of my devices later right now I need my phone the most.

"OhGod No!" I freaked as I approach the table.

"What now?" Maami asked and I was literally on the verge of crying.

"My phone.. It won't switch on"

"Give it to Ahmaad, he is an expert when it comes to such stuffs" Ya Hamid said and it took me two seconds to figure out who Ahmaad is. Mr Handsome.

Maami, Ya Hamid, Mubarak and Daddy walk to the living room while I was left alone with Ahmaad who was operating my phone.

This better gets interesting.

***     ***

"You know we can as well talk cause it's better than sitting like statues" Ahmaad says making Haneesa look at him eye ball to eye ball taking in his features. Black silkly hair, rosy like lips with broad shoulders and dimples in the left side of his cheek popping out as he says a word.

"Huh.. One will do so much to get noticed" she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly crossing and uncrossing her legs.

"Says the person just checking me out" he smirked and she gasp

"Egoistic Fulani man" She rolled her eyes her cheeks turning a shade of pink as she bite her tongue in embarrassment.

"What if I say I'm not Fulani" he smiled

"Then I would believe your a liar, your hair says it all" she smirked boastfully knowing she has won this round.

"Why? What's wrong with my hair?" He asked his fashion instinct in fast mode as he runs his fingers through the black well trimmed bush of silkiness.

"Nothing" she laughed looking at his worried expression who looks cute to her "It says Fulani"

"Oh" he laughed along in embarrassment.

"Typical" she muttered shaking her head sideways

"Aye hold it right there Miss, So you think I'm like one of those men you've ever met in your life?"

"All men are the same"

"Not me"

"Prove it"

"I very well will only if you grant me a chance" he says saving his number in her now working phone before handing it to her. Mubarak walks to the dinning table informing Ahmaad they are leaving 

"See you in forever never Fulani guy" Haneesa joke and he laugh.

"See you soon Anee" he smiles leaving her in wonders.. Anee! She thought. Wow, already in nicknames terms.. this is getting interesting!

Her Fulani PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now