Forty two🌸

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Mukhtar's heart skipped a beat.

He cannot be dealing with this right now, he certainly cannot!

Stepping inside the house, the harsh cold of the air conditioner hit him, his toes curl up immediately as he exhaled a deep breath. He was losing his sanity bits by bits! What in the world was about to go down now!?

He could feel the bitter taste in his mouth, he felt like screaming on top of his voice maybe that would reduce the flames in his heart. No matter how strong he claims to be we all know there is this fragile Mukhtar Abba Gorge deep down somewhere and only one person brings out that person.

His mother.


He badly wanted to die right now or worst go back to prison cause staring right back at him was his mother.

Does she even deserve to be called that?!

Mukhtar felt his heart beating furiously against his chest. What is she doing here!?

She was coaxed in red pattered dress, she looked old and worn out but she was still the same..just like how he visioned her in his dreams. He doubted if the day will come when he will get to see her, to be honest he was hoping she will only come to see him when she receives the news of his death..someday.

Her eyes were bloodshot red and Mukhtar knew she wasn't here because she missed him or because she wanted to see him, or because her brother Abba Gorge died or because the family was going through a hard time now and she needed to be here to give them moral support.. No! She was here because something happened to her.

"Baby.." She cried walking to him as she stare at him with tears dripping on her face.

Mukhtar stood there emotionlessly. He froze as he stared at her hands in his pocket

"Mukhtar is that you? Oh My God..." She closed her mouth trying to stop the sobs but her effort went in vain, she was sobbing so hard that tears were forming in his eyes but he swallowed them back.

"my baby.. See how you've grown. The last time I saw you, you were just this small" she said using her hand to describe his height which is just below her knees.

"The last time you saw me I was seven" he spat through gritted teeth.

"I'm so sorry baby"

"Don't be. Please Mrs Hossein" he said cranking his neck as he watched her hands slump to her side hurtfully.

"Ex Mrs Hossein" she corrected and he chuckled softly.

"I knew you were here for a reason!"

"Mukhtar!" Maami yelled scoldingly and that's when he realized she was seating on the one sitter couch legs crossed.

"Things finally ended with Mr rich Arab huhn?" he continued ignoring Maami. He needed answers to his questions and now is the best time.

"Mukhtar!! What is wrong with you? That's your mother your talking to fah" Maami scolded more and he let out a bitter laugh.

"Which kind of mother leaves her seven year old for a man she barely knew?! Which kind if mother gets married immediately after her Idaah period!? Which kind of mother never called her son for the past nineteen years or so..I'm sorry I lost count of time it was just too much for me to count. You remind me"

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