Medical Whatever

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"Alpha Avi... They're here." Mitch whispered, looking down the hill where multiple cop cars, ambulances, and SWAT trucks came rounding the road. 

"Shit," Avi whispered. "Excuse my language. Get out, we'll have to show them we're not going to do anything," Avi said, unlocking the doors and climbing out of the car, Mitch following. They opened the trunk and sat down in it, Mitch holding his legs to his chest as he anxiously stared at the empty parking lot of the warehouse. 

The cops pulled up in just under a minute, Avi and Mitch hopping from the truck with their hands behind their head. Cops came out of their cars, guns pointed until Nicole came running from one of the ambulances. 

"It's okay! Their kids are located here, they're on our side." She said quickly, the cops letting their guns down and back into their belts. Mitch and Avi let their hands fall to their sides as they walked up to Nicole, explaining everything that has happened. 


Scott hobbled out of the warehouse, his expression showing resemblance to him seeing a ghost. He could hear Mitch's cry for him and saw his Omega run up to him but he didn't move a muscle. 

"Alpha, what was down there?" Mitch whispered, gently cradling Scott's face in his hands. Scott shut his eyes and leaned his head into Mitch's hands. He turned when the paramedics came running out of the warehouse, a gurney in between each pair. Between one of the runs, he could see Cody cradled in a blanket and strapped to the cushion. He stopped a pair when he saw Bailey and stood to the side of it, the nearly dead baby Beta breathing slowly. She opened her blue and brown eyes, whimpering when she saw Scott. 

Mitch looked around Scott and his eyes filled with tears when he saw the condition of his baby. "Oh, Bailey." He whispered, reaching down and rubbing her bruised cheeks as gentle as he could. The paramedics took Bailey into the ambulance, other kids being pulled from the warehouse. 

"Well, Hoying. At least there's some good news coming from this. You've helped find a handful of missing children from the past few months." The Lieutenant of the L.A.P.D said when he walked over. "Your kids are being loaded up in one ambulance, you might want to get behind them before they take off." 

Lieutenant shook hands with Scott who then hopped to the car and sat inside. 

"T-Thank you, Sir." Mitch stuttered, running to the car to climb in next to Scott. Kevin sat in the passenger seat, his face cold to the touch as he stared out the window. Avi was in the driver's, knowing full well he'd never be able to snap Kevin out of what he saw for a long time. 


"How are they, Dr?" Mitch asked, standing up when the doctor came out of the hallway. 

"They're alive." The doctor said simply. "We don't have the full results yet but they're definitely alive.  I do apologize for not bringing more news but since we got a good handful of injured children, it is hard to keep up." 

"It's quite fine, it's just good to know they're alive," Mitch said, a small smile pulling to his lips. The doctor nodded and left the waiting room, Mitch going back to sit next to Scott. The blond slowly woke up when he felt Mitch's returning presence. 

"How are they, Omega?" Scott asked, turning on his side to snuggle his face against Mitch's arm. 

"All the doctor said was that they're alive. Nothing about their health or anything." 

"Damn medical... whatever..." Scott mumbled, falling asleep soon after the words slipping from his mouth. Mitch smiled and placed his hand on top of Scott's that was on his thigh. 

Kevin and Avi came back with several bottles of water, handing one off to Mitch who thanked them silently. They all waited another few hours, waiting for another update on their kids, receiving none and only being told to leave the hospital. 


"Alpha? Ready?" Mitch asked, knocking gently on the bathroom door. He received a reply and he walked in, seeing Scott awkwardly getting out of the shower. He hopped to the sink and grabbed a towel he set on the counter to wrap it around his waist. Mitch handed Scott's crutches to him and followed him out to the beds.

Scott sat in the chair by the desk to dry off as Mitch set the air conditioner to a comfortable setting. He sat on the bed and swung his legs as he waited for Scott to put on his boxers. The Alpha took his time getting on the bed and stuffed the pillows behind his head so he was sitting up enough to see the t.v. 

Mitch laid under the blankets and rested himself against Scott's warm body, watching as Scott flicked through the channels, stopping on Reba and turning it up enough to hear it and not disturb the people on the other side of the wall. 

"The babies are going to be alright, right?" Mitch said, trailing his finger over Scott's chest. 

Flashbacks of the bloody room filled with nearly dead babies flashed in Scott's eyes and he took in a sharp breath. "Y-yeah. They're strong, Mitch, they'll make it." 

Mitch nodded and leaned his head on Scott's shoulder, a small tear running down his cheek and his bottom lip wobbled. He shut his eyes and took in a deep breath then reached over Scott's torso to shut off the lamps and laid on his side, his back to Scott. 

"Omega, come here," Scott said, hinting towards one of Mitch's favorite ways to fall asleep. The brunette laid on his stomach, scooting closer to Scott as he got comfortable again. Scott reached over, scratching Mitch's bare back with his short nails. He blinked when a light filled the room and then a tiny wolf crawled onto his lap, his tail wagging lazily as Scott continued to scratch his back. 



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