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"Feel better?" Scott asked, holding onto Mitch's hands as he stood up and his legs gave out at the feeling of not being able to walk normally for a week and a half. He let Mitch use him for balance and kept a hard hand on his waist. 

"Much. Thank you for taking care of me. You too, Alpha Kevin, thank you." Mitch said, turning to Kevin and giving him a smile. 

"My pleasure, Mitch. The least I could do after being rude to you when you first came into Scott's life." Kevin stood up and held his hand out. Mitch grabbed it gently and Kevin pulled him into a warm hug. "I'm glad you're here, Mitch. Take good care of my brother." 

"Of course." Mitch smiled and he stepped back from the hug, going back to Scott and grabbing his arm. 

"So, you guys aren't going to move in?" Scott asked. 

"It's still a bit hard to be able to persuade Avi but I'm getting there."

"Invite him over." A shock of anxiety went down Mitch's spine and Scott noticed as Mitch squeezed his hand tightly. "The next time you come over. I'll talk to him. I don't have a car so I can't exactly go over there." Scott shrugged.

"Of course. Well, Kirstie has a doctor appointment so we better get going." Kevin hugged Scott and Mitch again before going to the elevator. He waited for Kirstie to finish talking to Mitch and she scurried over.

Mitch let out a breath he was holding when the elevator doors closed and the two disappeared.

"Mitch. Guess what?"

"Hmm?" Mitch looked up and he grinned when Scott kissed him. He reached up and rubbed Scott's scruffy jaw as he took a step forward and turned around. He'd finally recieved feeling in his legs so he was able to stand on his own.

"Don't worry too much about Avi coming over, alright? You know I'm going to be here for you and I won't let him hurt you."

"I know, it's just, he intimidates me and he's scary... "

"I can be just as scary if he really gets on my nerves."

"I know you can Alpha." Mitch walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge and stopped when he saw the calendar. He ran his fingers along the May page and rose an eyebrow. "Scott? What day is it?"

"May..." Scott grabbed his phone from the couch and trotted over. "27th."

Mitch took a sharpie from the pen holder on the counter and flipped to the July page, writing in neat cursive on the 24th. Birthday Boy. He then put the page down and smiled.

"I'm going to have to remember that. Treat you well on that day." Scott mumbled, kissing down the back of Mitch's neck. Mitch giggled and pushed Scott away playfully to properly grab his water bottle from the fridge.

He then faced Scott and tilted his head up, a kiss being placed on his forehead that sent tingles down his spine.

"What to go out today? Mall? Movies? There's a good steak restaurant nearby."

Mitch let out a giggle. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Are you going to say yes if I am?" Scotts cheeks tinted pink as he listened to Mitch's soft laughs.

"Of course I am, Alpha." Mitch stood on the tips of his toes and kissed Scott eagerly. He then gasped. "I have to get ready! What's the restaurant?"

"Um.. Semi fancy?" Scott stuttered. He then watched Mitch rush to gulp down his water then hurry up the steps.


Scott rushed into Mitch's room, attempting to find his shoes somewhere hidden in Mitch's closet. As he stepped from the door, he heard a camera shutter and looked up, Mitch's arms held out in front of him as he held Scott's phone. 

"Oh, there's my phone." Scott mumbled as he opened Mitch's closet and found the shoes he was looking for. 

"Did you need it, Alpha?" Mitch asked, holding out the phone towards Scott. 

"No I didn't, just didn't know where it was." Scott took the phone and swiped to the picture Mitch took and chuckled. He set it as his lockscreen and shut it up before tucking it into his back pocket. He sat on Mitch's bed as he put his shoes on and admired Mitch's outfit. 

"You look good, Alpha." MItch said, walking over and straddling Scott's lap. 

"As do you, my love." Scott held Mitch's waist and kissed him eagerly. He felt Scott's freshly shaven face and pulled back slightly to kiss his jaw before sitting back.

"I like that." Mitch mumbled, parting Scott's hair properly and smiling up at him. 

"My love?" Mitch nodded and Scott grinned happily. He kissed Mitch again before gently pushing him off his lap to stand up. "Ready to go, my love?" Mitch just giggled again and his cheeks stained red as he looked down at the floor. 

"Yes sir." 


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