Don't Be Mean

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"On the way here, I already booked myself appointments with a therapist once every one to two weeks, I plan on taking a run every other day and take up a few hobbies. The therapist in San Fran. said it'd be best to do these things till my therapist says I can lay off if I wanted to. Until then, I have something to do practically every day," Scott explained.

"I'm so proud of you, Alpha." Mitch purred, leaning his head on Scott's chest. "I'm glad you're back, I really missed you."

"I know you did, love. I missed you too." Scott blushed when Mitch curled in his lap, his head now in the crook of his neck. Scott played with Mitch's hands then noticed something off, looking down to see Mitch's left hand bare. "Where's your ring at?"

Mitch took in a sharp breath and looked at his hand then blushed out of embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I took it off so I wouldn't think of you so much during our break. I didn't want to do something bad to myself or end up distracting you while you were busy. I-I'm sorry-"

"Hey, it's okay, love," Scott said, kissing Mitch's forehead sweetly. "Where is it at?"

"It's in the safe, in Kevin's room," Mitch said and he jumped when Scott picked him up and set him on an empty spot on the bed.

"I'll go get it."

"Alpha, I can get it, it's not a probl-"

"Stay," Scott turned to Mitch and pointed a finger at him. He then bent over and kissed Mitch quickly before leaving the room. Midge jumped up onto the bed and sniffed Mitch's round belly.

Midge rubbed his head against Mitch's stomach then hopped to the foot of the bed and sniffed around before laying down. Mitch hummed and looked up when Scott returned. Scott walked to the bed then got on his knee, looking up at Mitch with loving eyes and a wide smile.

"Omega, will you still marry me?" Mitch smiled at Scott and nodded.

"You know I will, Alpha." Mitch squealed when Scott tackled him on the bed, hovering over him and kissing all over his face. Scott stopped and sat up, grabbing Mitch's left hand and sliding his ring on the proper finger. Mitch grasped the sides of Scott's face and pulled him down in a deep kiss. The kiss turning into a make-out in just a few seconds.


"Where are the others?" Mitch asked, taking in a sharp breath as Scott cleaned him out.

"I think they went to go pick up the babies? I'm not too sure. I saw them in the driveway when my friend Austin dropped me off and I asked if I could come in. They talked to me and then left, didn't say a word of where they were going." Scott gathered up the messy tissues and threw them in the trash bin. He went back to the bed after pulling on a pair of boxers and leaned against the headboard.

Mitch turned to his side and curled against Scott's chest. He heard a pounding on the door and looked over, Midge tumbling into the room once he forced the half-closed door, open. He barked then ran over, falling to his side every other step. Scott leaned over, scooping up Midge in one swoop.

"So, why'd you name him after me?" Mitch asked, petting the dog as he chewed on the blanket and rolled around on Scott's lap.

"Who said I named him after you?" Scott scoffed.

"Don't be mean." Mitch blew a raspberry then flicked Scott's nipple, the Alpha letting out a squeak and covering his left pec.

"Hey! They're sensitive, careful." The blond pouted. "I missed you a lot and I couldn't think of any better names." Midge barked and hopped to Scott's chest, jumping and pressing his paw to the middle of Scott's collarbones. Scott groaned and picked up the puppy, setting him in Mitch's arms.

Mitch laughed when Midge started to lick his ears. "Ew! He still has puppy breath!" Scott felt himself blush at Mitch's giggles. He hadn't seen Mitch this happy about an animal since Olaf. When Kirstie had died, Olaf stopped eating and wouldn't respond to anyone. Shortly after, Kevin decided to give the dog to someone else, someone who was trained to take care of dogs in that type of situation. They hadn't seen Olaf since.

"He's cute though. I'm glad you decided to keep him."

Scott turned and kissed Mitch, Midge barking and jumping in the way.

"Hey, I found you first, you should like me better." Scott pouted. Mitch turned to Scott and smiled from ear to ear.

"He's stubborn, just like you." Midge licked Mitch again then curled up against his shoulder and neck, staying where he was and staring up at Scott with daring eyes.

"Already a protector too. I'm hoping I'll be able to put him through doggy daycare when he gets older. Train him to be our guard dog." Scott said, sneaking a hand under Mitch to grab his waist where the dog wouldn't see.

"I like the sound of that. With this baby coming in," Mitch rubbed his stomach. "And the others getting older and running around, it'd be nice to have a bit more protection."

"Guess it's settled then, we have ourselves a guard dog." Scott brought his free hand up to Mitch's cheek to turn his head towards him, not even able to kiss his Omega before Midge bit his hand.


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